Mehdi Niroomand

PhD, Associate Professor



·       M. Niroomand, and M. H. Masjedian, and M. Naghshineh, “Design and Implementation of an Automatic Balancer for Rotating Machines”, Iranian Intellectual Property Organization, Iran, 2007.

·       E. Naghsh, MR. Yazdchi, M. Niroomand, "An automatic external defibrillator with online ventilation fibrillation detection", Iranian Intellectual Property Organization, Iran, 2015.


·       M. Niroomand, Y. Farhadi, S. Azimi, Power Electronics: semiconductors, converters and applied circuits, University of Isfahan Publisher, 2017 (In Persian).

·       M. Niroomand, F. Nasresfahani, Energy Conversion Systems: An Overview, Nova Science Publisher, 2021, Chapter 1: Converter technologies for PV systems: a comprehensive review.

·       M. Niroomand, F. Nasresfahani, Energy Conversion Systems: An Overview, Nova Science Publisher, 2021, Chapter 2: Control Structure of Grid-tied Photovoltaic Systems.

Published Journal Papers (Selected):

·       F. Nasr, SM Madani, M Niroomand, A Safaee , Maximum Wireless Power Transmission Using Real-Time Single Iteration Adaptive Impedance Matching, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular papers, 2023.

·      M. Haghighat, M Niroomand, H. Dehghani Tafti, C.D. Townsend, and T. Fernando, A Review of State-of-the-Art Flexible Power Point Tracking Algorithms in Photovoltaic Systems for Grid Support: Classification and Application, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2023.

·       MM. Varnamkhasti, M. Niroomand, E. Adib, A non-isolated step-up common-ground cost-effective microinverter for AC-module application, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, gtd2.12880, Pages 1-12, 2023.

·       M. Haghighat, M Niroomand, H. Dehghani Tafti, An Adaptive Power Ramp Rate Control Method for Photovoltaic Systems, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaic, March 2022.

·       M. Haddad, S.K. Tayebi, A. Sharifi, A., M. Niroomand, 'Economic Modeling of Regional Integration in Electricity Markets of Member Countries in Selected Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO): Application of System Dynamics Approach', Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 57, Iss. 1, pp. 25-58, 2022.

·        N Nasirpour, SM Madani, M Niroomand, E Muljadi, Closed‐loop fast primary frequency‐response of type‐3 wind power plants in low inertia grids, IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 38–47, May 2021.

·     \SY Nikouei, BM Dehkordi, M Niroomand, A Genetic-Based Hybrid Algorithm Harmonic Minimization Method for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters with ANFIS Implementation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2021, Article ID 6642317, 2021.

·       MK Jervekani, M Niroomand, SM Madani, LVRT capability based on P‐V curve fitting under partial shading conditions, IET Renewable Power Generation, pp. 1-14, 2021.

·       M. Shaneh, M. Niroomand, E. Adib, Ultra high-step up non-isolated interleaved boost converter, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 2747 - 2758, Sept. 2020.

·       M. Shaneh, E. Adib, M. Niroomand, An ultra-high step-up non-isolated interleaved converter with low input current ripple, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No.2, pp. 1584 - 1592, Sept. 2020.

·       J. Dadkhah, M. Niroomand, Optimization Methods of MPPT Parameters for PV Systems: Review, Classification, and Comparison, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2021 (early access).

·       MH. Nahidan, M. Niroomand, B Mirzaeian Dehkordi, Power Enhancement under Partial Shading Condition Using a Two-Step Optimal PV Array Reconfiguration, International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2021, Article ID 8811149, 2021.

·       N. Khalesi, M. Niroomand, J. Dadkhah, SY. Nikouei, A Firework-Based GMPPT with Variable Sampling Time for PV Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2020, Article ID 6130202, 2020.

·       F. Nasr, S.M. Madani, M. Niroomand, Dual-objective control strategy for maximum power and efficiency point tracking in wirelessly powered biomedical implanted devices, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 36-44, Sept. 2019.

·       M. Shaneh, M. Niroomand, E. Adib, A non isolated interleaved bidirectional DC-DC converter with high step voltage ratio and minimum number of switches, IET Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1510-1520, 29 5, 2019.

·       J. Dadkhah, M. Niroomand, Real-Time MPPT Optimization of PV Systems by Means of DCD-RLS Based Identification, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 2114-2122, Oct. 2019.

·       N. ShahidiradM. Niroomand and R. Hooshmand, Investigation of PV Power Plant Structures Based on Monte-Carlo Reliability and Economic, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaic, Vol 8, Issue 3, 825-833, May 2018.

·       B. Honarjoo, S. M. Madani, M. Niroomand and E. Adib, "Non-isolated high step-up three-port converter with single magnetic element for photovoltaic systems," in IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 2151-2160, 6 11 2018.

·       M. Niroomand, T. Feldmann, E. Bollin, A High-Performance Control System for Grid-tied Energy Storage Systems, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 11, Issue: 8, 6 1, 2017.

·       B. Honarjoo, SM. Madani, M. Niroomand, E. Adib, Analysis and Implementation of a New Single Switch, High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter with a Wide CCM Operation Range and Reduced Components Voltage Stress, Journal of Power Electronics (JPE), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 11-22, 2018.

·       M. PiriM. Niroomand and R. Hooshmand, A Comprehensive Modeling of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Using Multiphase Converter Based on Reliability Concepts, J. Sol. Energy Eng 139 (5), 054502, 2017.

·       M. PiriM. Niroomand and R. Hooshmand, A comprehensive reliability assessment of residential photovoltaic systems, J. Renewable Sustainable Energy, Vol. 7, 2015.

·       M Niroomand, HR Karshenas, Analysis and Design of a Series–Parallel Uninterruptible Power Supply with an Improved Control Strategy for Seamless Transition, Electric Power Components and Systems 45 (1), 22-33, 2016.

·       H Athari, M Niroomand, M Ataei, Review and Classification of Control Systems in Grid-tied Inverters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 72, 1167-1176, 2017.

·       M Niroomand, HR Foroughi, A rotary electromagnetic microgenerator for energy harvesting from human motions, Journal of applied research and technology 14 (4), 259-267, 2016.

·       N. Zamani, M. AtaeiM. Niroomand, Analysis and control of chaotic behavior in boost converter by ramp compensation based on Lyapunov exponents assignment: theoretical and experimental investigation, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 81, 20–29, December 2015.

·       F. Hosseini, B. Mostajeran, M. Niroomand, Instantaneous Responses of on-grid PV Plants to Changes in Environmental and Weather Conditions, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), Volume 6, Issue 4, PP 1296-1306, 2016.

·       M. Niroomand. M. Lotfian, A wireless based power transmission to supply deep brain stimulators, Biomedical Research, Volume 26 Issue 3, 497-504, 2015.

·       M. Joulazadeh, AH. Navarchian, M. Niroomand, A Comparative Study on Humidity Sensing Performances of Polyaniline and Polypyrrole Nanostructures, Advances in Polymer Technology, 2014.

·       M. Niroomand, H. R. Karshenas, “A Hybrid Learning Control Strategy for Three-Phase UPS,” The Institute of Engineering and Technology, IET, 799-807, Aug 2011.

·       S. Mehdizadeh, M. R. Yazdchi, M. Niroomand, A Novel AE Based Algorithm for PD Localization in Power Transformers, Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEET), 2013.

·       M. Niroomand, D.J. Won, Development of Control Structure for Hybrid Wind Generators with Active Power Capability, Advances in Power Electronics, 2014.

·       M. Niroomand, H. R. Karshenas, “Performance Specifications of Series-Parallel UPS’s with Different Control Strategies”, International Review of Electrical Engineering, IREE, 2009.

·       A. Lotfi, M. Niroomand, "A ZCS-ZVS PWM SEPIC for High Step-Up Applications," International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), Vol. 5, N. 3, June 2012.

·       B. Ashrafi, M. Niroomand, "Novel Reduced Parts On-Line Uninterruptible Power Supply," Advances in Power Electronics, Advances in Power Electronics, 1-8, 2012.

·       M. Sharifian, M. Niroomand, "Novel Reduced Switches Single-Phase to Three-Phase On-line Uninterruptible Power Supply, Asian Power Electronics Journal (APEJ), 620-625, 2012.

·       A. Moazzami, A. Kyumarsi, B. Mirzaeian, M. Niroomand, Reducing both Torque and Flux Ripple in the DTC of IPMSM Incorporating Duty Cycle Calculation Method and Dithering Technique, The Modarress journal of Electrical engineering, 2016.

·       S. Azimi, B. Mirzaeian, M. Niroomand, An Adaptive Incremental Conductance MPPT Based on BELBIC Controller in Photovoltaic Systems, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering,  2017.

·       A. Dastaviz, M. Ataei, M. Niroomand, Robust Decentralized Controller Design for Power Electronic Converters, Journal of Control, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2014 (In Persian).

·       M. Mahmoodi, B. Mirzaeian, M. Niroomand, A new High Step-up Non-isolated SEPIC Converter for Photovoltaic applications, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 13, Issue 2, 2015 (In Persian).

·       H. Rabi, J. Arabi, B. Mirzaeian, A. Kyumarsi, M. Niroomand, Design and Implementation of V/f Based Induction Motor Intelligent Speed Controller with DSP, Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering Journal, 62-70, 2012. (In Persian)

·       M. Niroomand, M. Sherkat, M. Soheili, A Novel DC to DC Converter with Intelligent Control for PV Applications, Intelligent System in Electrical Engineering Journal, 62-70, 2012. (In Persian)


Published Conference Papers (Selected):

·       J. Dadkhah and M. Niroomand, "Optimization of MPPT in Both Steady and Transient States Through Variable Parameters," Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, Mashhad, 2018, pp. 1132-1137.

·       F. Nasr, M. Madani and M. Niroomand, "Precise analysis of frequency splitting phenomenon of magnetically coupled wireless power transfer system," 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kuala Lumpar, 2017, pp. 219-224.

·       N. Zamani, M. Niroomand and M. Ataei, "Bifurcation and chaos control in power-factor-correction boost converter," 2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Tehran, 2014, pp. 1307-1312.

·       N. Zamani, M. Niroomand and M. Ataei, "Modeling and chaos control of current mode controlled switching converter with ramp compensation," The 5th Annual International Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC 2014), Tehran, 2014, pp. 360-365.

·       A. Asbafkan, B. Mirzaeeian, M. Niroomand and H. A. Zarchi, "Frequency adaptive repetitive control of grid connected inverter for wind turbine applications," 2013 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Mashhad, 2013, pp. 1-6.

·       M. Niroomand, H.R. Karshenas, "Design and implementation of a single phase inverter with sine wave tracking method for emergency power supply with high performance," Electrical Machines and Systems, 2005. ICEMS 2005. pp.1232-1237 Vol. 2, 29-29 Sept. 2005. 

·       H. R. Karshenas, and M. Niroomand, “Design and Implementation of a Sine Wave Uninterruptible Power Supply,” Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2005, ICEE05, vol. 4, pp. 550- 559, May 2005. (in Persian)

·       M. Niroomand, H.R. Karshenas, "Design and implementation of a new hybrid learning control strategy for three-phase UPS," Electrical Machines and Systems, 2008. ICEMS 2008. International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1732-1737, 17-20 Oct. 2008.

·       H.R. Karshenas, M. Niroomand, "Analysis and comparison of two control strategies for three-phase series-parallel UPS," Electrical Machines and Systems, 2008. ICEMS 2008. International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1726-1731, 17-20 Oct. 2008.

·       M. Niroomand, H. R. Karshenas, “Review and Comparison of Control Methods for Uninterruptible Power Supplies,” Power Electronics and Drive System and Technologies Conference, PEDSTC2010, Jan. 2010.

·       H. R. Karshenas, and M. Niroomand, “A New Hybrid Digital Control Strategy for Three-Phase UPS”, Iranian conference in Electrical Engineering, ICEE2010, April, 2010. (in Persian)

·       M. Niroomand, M. Rezaeian, Z. Amini, E. Mohammadi, “Partial Discharge Localization and Classification Using Acoustic Emission Analysis in Power Transformer”, International Telecommunications Energy Conferences, INTELEC2009, October 2009.

·       M. Niroomand, Y. Farhadi, P. Moallem, “ A Novel Control Strategy for Three-Phase UPS Based on B-Spline Network”, International Conference on Electric Machines and Power electronics and Electromotion, ACEMP2011. Istanbul, Sep 2011.

·       M. Sharifian, M. Niroomand, “Novel Reduced Switches Single-Phase to Three-Phase On-line Uninterruptible Power Supply”, International Conference on Electric Machines and Power electronics and Electromotion, ACEMP2011. Istanbul, Sep 2011.

·       S. Mehdizadeh, M. R. Yazdchi, M. Niroomand, “A Wavelet Based Noise Reduction of Acoustic Signals for PD Localization in Power Transformers, 2nd Conference on Electrical Energy Consumption Optimization, Iran, Ahvaz, Feb 2011 (In Persian).

·       S. Azimi, B. Mirzaeian dehkordi and M. Niroomand, "An adaptive incremental conductance MPPT based on BELBIC controller in photovoltaic systems," 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), Tehran, 2012, pp. 324-329.

·       M. Niroomand, H.R. Karshenas, “An Optimum Control Strategy with Seamless Transition for New Generation of Series-Parallel UPS” Iranian conference in Electrical Engineering, ICEE2011, April, 2011. (in Persian)

·       M. Soheili, M. Niroomand, H.R. Hosseini, M. Sherkat, “A Fuzzy Based MPPT for Photovoltaic System”, National Conference on Electrical Engineering (NCEE), Iran, Dec 2011 (In Persian).

·       M. Sherkat, M. Niroomand, H. R. Hosseini, M. Soheili, “Design of a High Performance  DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic System”, National Conference on Electrical Engineering (NCEE), Iran, Dec 2011 (In Persian).

·       A. Ghomi, M. Niroomand, F. Jannati, “Design of a Renewable Energy based House”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, (ETEC2011), Tehran, Dec 2011 (In Persian).

·       J. Arabi, H. Rabie, B. Mirzaeian, M. Niroomand, A. kyumarsi, “Design and Implementation of a PI-Fuzzy based Controller for Induction Motor with DSP and Genetic Algorithm”, 1st Energy, Vehicle and Sustainable Development National Conference, Tehran, Oct 2011 (In Persian).

·       B. Ashrafi, M. Niroomand, B. Ashrafinia, "Novel Reduced Parts On-Line Uninterruptible Power Supply,' International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2012), Malaysia, 252-257, June 2012.