

Amin Mahnam, PhD


Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

School of Engineering

University of Isfahan

Isfahan, IRAN

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Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

Electronics II

Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

Medical and Hospital General Instruments BSc

Medical Instrumentation MSc

Biomedical Engineering Laboratory


English for Biomedical Engineers

Special topics in Biomedical Instrumentation

Electrophysiology and Neural Systems






My research is mainly devoted to the field of neural engineering, with focus on Brain Computer Interfaces and their Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Applications. My interests from childhood to design electronic systems, as well as the responsibility that I feel to help solving some realistic problems of my community, have leaded to significant efforts to develop practical systems mostly related to the nervous system with a significant aim to improve the quality of life of disabled people.

Now we have a dedicated "Neuro-Technology" Lab at the school of Engineering.

We have won a grant from Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council to develop a practical BCI system, and have collaborations with different research centers as well as experts from different disciplines including Psychology, Rehabilitation, and Engineering. 



Research Highlights


A list of sample successful projects that are accomplished in our lab is provided below:


A Brain-Controlled Game designed for Improving the level and persistence of Attention

A Practical BCI system for typing based on steady-state visual evoked potentials

Able Eyes human computer interface

StimWave Jacket wearable neurostimulator system

Development of an Implantable neural stimulation/recording system

Development of an Impedance and Reactance Cardiography system

Active dry electrodes for ECG/EEG/EOG recordings

Optical pulse characteristics measurement system based on Iranian Traditional Medicine

An efficient single-key Human Computer Interface for people with disabilities


A VBM study to investigate the relation between perfectionism and the brain structure

An investigation on the mechanism of action of interferential currents

Asymmetric HFAC stimulation for nerve conduction block




Papers and Patents

Journal Articles in English

·      S. Soltani, A. Mahnam, “A practical efficient human computer interface based on saccadic eye movements for people with disabilities”, computers in biology and medicine, 70:163-173, 2016.

·      A. Mahnam, H. Yazdanian, M. M. Samani, “Comprehensive study of Howland circuit with non-ideal components to design high performance current pumps”, Measurement, 82:94-104, 2016.

·      M. Agharezaee, A. Mahnam, “Evaluating the activation pattern of nerve fibers in response to stimulation by interferential currents: A computational study”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 53(8):713-20, 2015.

·      A. Karimizadeh, A. Mahnam, M.R. Yazdchi, A. Besharat, “Individual Differences in Personality Traits: Perfectionism and the Brain Structure”, Journal of Psychophysiology, accepted for publication.

·      M.M. Samani, A. Mahnam, N. Hosseini, “An Arbitrary-Waveform Wearable Neuro-Stimulator System for Neurophysiology Research on Freely Behaving Animals”, Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, 4(2):94-102, 2014.

·      M. Shabani, A. Mahnam, V. Sheibani, M. Janahmadi, “Alterations in the Intrinsic Burst Activity of Purkinje Neurons in Offspring Maternally Exposed to the CB1 Cannabinoid Agonist WIN 55212-2”, Journal of Membrane Biology, 247:63-72, 2014.

·      AR. Arianfar, A. Mahnam, “Asymmetric rectangular waveform reduces the threshold for neural conduction block in stimulation with High Frequency Alternating Currents: A simulation study”, Iranian Journal of Medical Physics, 10 (1-2):22-30, 2013.

·      S. Abbasi, M. Edrisi, A. Mahnam, M. Janahmadi, “Computational Insights into the neuroprotective action of riluzole on the 3-acetylpyridine-induced ataxia in rats”, Cell Journal, 15(1): 1-23, 2013.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M. Hashemi, W. M. Grill, “Measurement of the current-distance relationship using a novel refractory interaction technique”, Journal of Neural Engineering, 6(3), 2009.

·      A. Mahnam, S. M. Hashemi, W. M. Grill, “Computational evaluation of methods for measuring the spatial extent of neural activation”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 173, 153-164, 2008.


Journal Articles in Farsi

·      H. Yazdanian, A. Mahnam, M. Edrisi, M. Abdar Esfahani, “Impedance cardiography a method for noninvasive evalulation of the stroke volume: A preliminary study”, Razi journal of medical sciences, 22(131):51-62, 2015.

·      A. Arianfar, A. Mahnam, “Simulation of fiber conduction block using high frequency alternative current with asymmetric biphasic waveform and its mechanism of action”, Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, Accepted for publication.

·      M. Agharezaie, A. Mahnam, “Simulation of the response of nerve fibers to the applied interferential currents”, Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, Accepted for Publication.

·      M. Bagheri, A. Mahnam, Z. Rajae, “Extracellular excitability of the axon terminals: The effects of their morphological characteristics”, Advances in Cognitive Science, Accepted for Publication.

·      E. Ilbeigi, M.R. Yazdchi, A. Mahnam, “An improved algorithm for EEG-based automatic emotion detection”, Data and Signal Processing, 2(20):21-34, 2014.

·      A. Karimizadeh, A. Mahnam, M.R. Yazdchi, M.A. Besharat, “The relationship between perfectionism and brain structure”, Contemporary Psychology, 8(1):3-10, 2013.

·      M. Fakhar, A. Mahnam, M. Edrisi, “Harvesting of energy from Human Walking with a piezoelectric transducer to supply a medical instrument”, Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences, 9(4):1-12, 2013.

·      S. Soltani, A. Mahnam, “Development of an assistive human-computer device based on electro-oculogram for disabled people”, Rehabilitation, 14(3), 2013.

·      S. Novin, H. Abrishami-Moghaddam, A.M. Sodagar, A.Mahnam, “Modeling of Electrical Stimulation of Ganglion Cells in Visual Prostheses”, Advances in Cognitive Science, 14(3):25-40, 2012.

·      S. Abbasi, A.Mahnam, M. Edrisi, M. Janahmadi, “Investigating the Contribution of BK Channel in the Firing Activity of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells Using Computer Simulation”, Journal of Isfahan Medical School, 30(199):1-10, 2012.

·      Mahnam A, Firoozabadi S.M.P., Hashemi M., "A Study on the Effects of Depolarizing Prepulses with Different Parameters on the Selective Stimulation of Myelinated Fibers and Suggestion of a New Prepulse Waveform with Superior Performance Based on Simulation of Electrical Stimulation", Iranian Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 1(1):63-74, 2004.



Conference Papers in English

·      S. Soltani, A. Mahnam, “Design a novel wearable human computer interface based on electrooculography”, 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Mashhad, May 2013.

·      M. Fotohabadi, A. Mahnam, “Early Detection of High Frequency Steady State Visual Evoked Potential for Brain-Computer Interface”, ICBME2013, Tehran, IRAN.

·      H. Yazdanian, A. Mahnam, M. Mosayebi, “Characteristics of the Howland current source for Bioelectric Impedance Measurement Systems”, ICBME2013, Tehran, IRAN.

·      M. Agharezaie, A. Mahnam, “A Simulation study on the spatial pattern of fiber activation in response to interferential currents stimulation”, ICBME2013, Tehran, IRAN.

·      N. Shabani, A. Mahnam, “N. Shabani, A. Mahnam, “Identification of intended phoneme from human intracortical recordings”, 1st Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, Tehran, Nov. 2012.

·      N. Shabani, A. Mahnam, “Comparison of classifiers for predicting the intended phoneme production based on intracortical recordings”, 1st Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, Tehran, Nov. 2012.

·      A. Karimizadeh, A. Mahnam, M.R. Yazdchi, A. Besharat, “Individual differences in personality traits: perfectionism and the brain structure”, 1st Basic and clinical neuroscience congress, Tehran, Nov. 2012.

·      Sh. Novin, H. Abrishami-moghadam, A.M. Sodagar, “3D Computational Modeling of Epiretinal Prosthesis Stimulation of the Ganglion Cell”, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Hong-Kong, 992-996, Jan. 2012.

·      F. Manzouri, A. Mahnam, M. Emadi, “A computational study to evaluate the mechanism of selectivity in interferential current therapy”, 18th Iranian Conference of BME, Tehran, 171-174, Dec. 2011.

·      S. Abbasi, A. Mahnam, M. Edrisi, M. Janahmadi, “Contribution of BK channels in the firing activity of Purkinje cells”, 18th Iranian Conference of BME, Tehran, 64-67, Dec. 2011.

·      M. Mosayebi, A. Mahnam, “Development of an Implantable Neuro-Prosthetic System for Neural Stimulation and Recording”, Accepted in EMBC2012, San Diego, Sep. 2012.

·      M.R. Mohagheghi Nejad, A. Mahnam, “’Stim-e-Lab’: a Simulation Tool to Enhance Education of Bioelectrical Mechanisms of Electrical Stimulation”, Accepted in EMBC2012, San Diego, Sep. 2012.

·      A. Mahnam, M. Hashemi, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Janahmadi, “Estimation of the extent of neural activation in electrical stimulation of the central nervous system”, ICBME2010, Isfahan, IRAN.

·      M. Mosayebi, A. Mahnam, “Design and Implementation of an Ultra Low Power Wireless Neuro-Stimulator System”, ICBME2010, Isfahan, IRAN.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Hashemi, M. Janahmadi, Exploring Stimulus Waveform Space For Selective Stimulation of Neural Fibers", IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 11. Prague: IFMBE, 2005. ISSN 1727-1983. Editors: Jiri Hozman, Peter Kneppo (Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC05. Prague, Czech Republic, 20-25.11.2005). 4752 p.447-450.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Hashemi, M. Janahmadi, "The use of Ramp-Shaped Stimulus Waveform for Selective Stimulation of Neural Fibers in Peripheral Nerves", IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 11. Prague: IFMBE, 2005. ISSN 1727-1983. Editors: Jiri Hozman, Peter Kneppo (Proceedings of the 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference - EMBEC05. Prague, Czech Republic, 20-25.11.2005). 4752 p.451-454.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Hashemi “Ramp-Shaped vs. Rectangular Under-Threshold Depolarizing Prepulse: Examination of Adaptability to Targeted Fibers” Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Aug 24-29, 2003, Sydney, Australia, [CD-ROM] ISBN 1877040142, Paper No. 1360.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Hashemi, “The Use of Exponential Under-Threshold Depolarizing Prepulse to Improve Selective Stimulation of Distant Neural Fibers.” Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Aug 24-29, 2003, Sydney, Australia, [CD-ROM] ISBN 1877040142, Paper No. 2339.

·      A. Mahnam, S.M.P. Firoozabadi, M. Hashemi, "Ramp-Shaped vs. Rectangular under-threshold depolarizing prepulses: A comparison based on adaptability to targeted fibers", 10th Biomed. Eng. Conf., Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, IRAN, 2001.


Conference Papers in Farsi

·      S. Behtaj, A. Mahnam, “A new algorithm for a practical single channel SSVEP-based brain computer interface”, ICBME14, Tehran, Iran.

·      M. Bagheri, A. Mahnam, “A Study on the effect of axon terminal geometry on extracellular stimulation thresholds”, 2nd Iranian Conference on BioElectroMagnetism, Tehran, 2013.

·      M.R. Mohagheghi-Nejad, A. Mahnam, “Stim-e-Lab: a Simulation Tool to Enhance Education of Bioelectrical Mechanisms of Electrical Stimulation”, 5th E-Health Conference, Tabriz, Iran, 2012.

·      E. Ilbeigi, M.R. Yazdchi, A. Mahnam, “Design of an advanced emotion detection system based on EEG signal and face image”, 1st International E-Health Conf., Tehran, 2012.

·      A.R. Arianfar, A. Mahnam, “Simulation of Nerve Conduction Block by High-Frequency Sinusoidal Electrical Current Based on the CRRSS Model”, ICBME2011, Tehran, Iran.

·      S. Soltani, S. Behtaj, A. Mahnam, “Development of a human computer interface based on EOG signal for disabled”, ICBME2011, Tehran, IRAN.



·      A. Mahnam, S. Behtaj, S. Soltani, “Able Eyes: An EOG-based human computer interface for expression of intentions for disabled”, patent number: 75073, 2012.

·      H. Yazdanian, A. Mahanm, M. Edrisi, “Impedance and Reactance based Cardiograph”, patent number: 83457, 2014.