Behrouz Tork Ladani

Dr. Behrouz Tork Ladani holds a bachelor's in Computer Engineering from University of Isfahan, MSc. in Software Engineering from Amir Kabir University of Technology and a Ph.D. in Software Engineering from  University of Tarbiat Modarres. He joined University of Isfahan (UI) in 2005 and currently is full professor and dean of Faculty of Computer Engineering  at this University.

Dr. Ladani's research interest is around modeling, analysis and verification of security in information syetems including software security (vulnerability detection and malware analysis), and soft security (computational trust and rumor control in social networks). He is  member of Iranian Society of Cryptology (ISC) and has been program committee member of International ISC Conferences on Cryptology and Information Security (ISCISC). He was the program committee chair of the ISCISC'08 that was held in University of Isfahan. Dr. Ladani is the representative of ISC in University of Isfahan and advisor of the Student Branch of ISC in UI.

Dr. Ladani is also Managing Editor of the Journal of Computing and Security (JCS) and a member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Information Security Science (IJISS).