Top five published papers in the research lines
Karimimehr S, Marateb HR, Muceli S, Mansourian M, Mananas MA, Farina D. A
Real-Time Method for Decoding the Neural Drive to Muscles Using Single-Channel
Intra-Muscular EMG Recordings. International journal of neural systems.
Ghaderi P, Marateb HR. Muscle Activity Map Reconstruction from High Density
Surface EMG Signals With Missing Channels Using Image Inpainting and Surface
Reconstruction Methods. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.
Marateb HR, Farahi M, Rojas M, Mananas MA, Farina D. Detection of Multiple
Innervation Zones from Multi-Channel Surface EMG Recordings with Low
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Graph-Cut Segmentation. PloS one.
Marateb HR, Muceli S, McGill KC, Merletti R, Farina D. Robust decomposition of
single-channel intramuscular EMG signals at low force levels. Journal of neural
engineering. 2011;8(6):066015.
5. Mohebian MR, Marateb HR, Mansourian M, Mananas MA,
Mokarian F. A Hybrid Computer-aided-diagnosis System for Prediction of Breast
Cancer Recurrence (HPBCR) Using Optimized Ensemble Learning. Computational and
structural biotechnology journal. 2017;15:75-85.
Other selected
published ISI papers
1. McGill KC, Lateva ZC, Marateb HR. EMGLAB: an
interactive EMG decomposition program. Journal of neuroscience methods.
Marateb HR, McGill KC. Resolving superimposed MUAPs using particle swarm
optimization. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. 2009;56(3):916-9.
3. Merletti R,
Aventaggiato M, Botter A, Holobar A, Marateb H, Vieira TM. Advances in surface
EMG: recent progress in detection and processing techniques. Critical reviews in
biomedical engineering. 2010;38(4):305-45.
4. Marateb HR, McGill KC, Holobar A, Lateva ZC,
Mansourian M, Merletti R. Accuracy assessment of CKC high-density surface EMG
decomposition in biceps femoris muscle. Journal of neural engineering.
McGill KC, Marateb HR. Rigorous a posteriori assessment of accuracy in EMG
decomposition. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation
engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society. 2011;19(1):54-63.
6. Vujaklija I, Shalchyan V, Kamavuako EN, Jiang N,
Marateb HR, Farina D. Online mapping of EMG signals into kinematics by
autoencoding. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2018 Mar 13;15(1):21.
7. Sarrafzadegan N, Hassannejad R, Marateb HR, Talaei
M, Sadeghi M, Roohafza HR, Masoudkabir F, Oveisgharan S, Mansourian M, Mohebian
MR, Mañanas MA. PARS risk charts: A 10-year study of risk assessment for
cardiovascular diseases in Eastern Mediterranean Region. PLoS One. 2017 Dec
Mansourian M, Marateb HR, Kelishadi R, Motlagh ME, Aminaee T, Taslimi M, et al.
First growth curves based on the World Health Organization reference in a
Nationally-Representative Sample of Pediatric Population in the Middle East and
North Africa (MENA): the CASPIAN-III study. BMC pediatrics. 2012;12:149. Epub
9. Marateb
HR, Rojas-Martinez M, Mansourian M, Merletti R, Villanueva MA. Outlier detection
in high-density surface electromyographic signals. Medical & biological
engineering & computing. 2012;50(1):79-89.
10. Marateb HR, Mansourian M, Adibi P, Farina D.
Manipulating measurement scales in medical statistical analysis and data mining:
A review of methodologies. Journal of research in medical sciences : the
official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. 2014;19(1):47-56.
11. Marateb HR,
Mansourian M, Faghihimani E, Amini M, Farina D. A hybrid intelligent system for
diagnosing microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes patients without having to
measure urinary albumin. Computers in biology and medicine. 2014;45:34-42.
12. Hajiaghababa F,
Marateb HR, Kermani S. The design and validation of a hybrid
digital-signal-processing plug-in for traditional cochlear implant speech
processors. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2018 Jun;159:103-109.
13. Marateb HR, Goudarzi S. A
noninvasive method for coronary artery diseases diagnosis using a
clinically-interpretable fuzzy rule-based system. Journal of research in medical
sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Kelishadi R, Marateb HR, Mansourian M, Ardalan G, Heshmat R, Adeli K.
Pediatric-specific reference intervals in a nationally representative sample of
Iranian children and adolescents: the CASPIAN-III study. World journal of
pediatrics : WJP. 2016;12(3):335-42.
15. Marzbani H, Marateb HR, Mansourian M.
Neurofeedback: A Comprehensive Review on System Design, Methodology and Clinical
Applications. Basic and clinical neuroscience. 2016;7(2):143-58. Epub
16. Jordanic
M, Rojas-Martinez M, Mananas MA, Alonso JF, Marateb HR. A Novel Spatial Feature
for the Identification of Motor Tasks Using High-Density Electromyography.
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 2017;17(7).
17. Mansourian M, Mohammadi R, Marateb HR, Yazdani A,
Goodarzi-Khoigani M, Molavi S. Comprehensive maternal characteristics associated
with birth weight: Bayesian modeling in a prospective cohort study from Iran.
Journal of research in medical sciences: the official journal of Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences. 2017;22:107.
18. Mohebian MR, Marateb HR, Karimimehr S, Mañanas MA,
Kranjec J, Holobar A. Non-invasive Decoding of the Motoneurons: A Guided Source
Separation Method Based on Convolution Kernel Compensation With Clustered
Initial Points. Front Comput Neurosci. 2019 Apr 2;13:14.
19. M. Kharazihai Isfahani, M. Zekri, H. R. Marateb,
and M. A. Mananas, "Fuzzy jump wavelet neural network based on rule induction
for dynamic nonlinear system identification with real data applications," (in
eng), PLoS One, vol. 14, no. 12, p. e0224075, 2019.
20. M.
Neghabi, H. R. Marateb, and A. Mahnam, "Comparing Steady-State Visually Evoked
Potentials Frequency Estimation Methods in Brain-Computer Interface With the
Minimum Number of EEG Channels," (in eng), Basic Clin Neurosci, vol. 10, no. 3,
pp. 245-256, May-Jun 2019.
21. Mohammadifard N, Marateb H, Mansourian M, Khosravi A, Abdollahi Z, Campbell NR, et al. Can methods based on spot urine samples be used to estimate average population 24 h sodium excretion? Results from the Isfahan Salt Study. Public Health Nutr. 2020;23(2):202-13.
22. Shakibaei N, Hassannejad R, Mohammadifard N, Marateb HR, Mansourian M, Mañanas MA, et al. Pathways leading to prevention of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease: An interaction model on 15 years population-based cohort study. Lipids in health and disease. 2020;19(1):203.
23. Vedaei, S. S., A. Fotovvat, M. R. Mohebbian, G. M. E. Rahman, K. A. Wahid, P.
Babyn, H. R. Marateb, M. Mansourian, and R. Sami. "Covid-Safe: An Iot-Based
System for Automated Health Monitoring and Surveillance in Post-Pandemic Life."
IEEE Access 8 (2020): 188538-51.
24. Rojas-Martínez M, Serna LY, Jordanic M, Marateb
HR, Merletti R, Mañanas M: High-density surface electromyography signals during
isometric contractions of elbow muscles of healthy humans. Scientific data 2020,
25. Sami R, Soltaninejad F, Amra B, Naderi Z, Haghjooy Javanmard S, Iraj B, Haji Ahmadi S, Shayganfar A, Dehghan M, Khademi N et al: A one-year hospital-based prospective COVID-19 open-cohort in the Eastern Mediterranean region: The Khorshid COVID Cohort (KCC) study. PLoS One 2020, 15(11):e0241537.
26. Shirzadi M, Marateb HR, McGill KC, Mañanas MA: Rigorous performance assessment of the algorithms for resolving motor unit action potential superpositions. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2021, 56:102510.
27. Mansourian, M., S. Khademi and H. R. Marateb (2021). "A Comprehensive Review of Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Major Mental and Neurological Disorders and Suicide: A Biostatistical Perspective on Data Mining." Diagnostics (Basel) 11(3).
28. Marateb, H. R., M. von Cube, R. Sami, S. Haghjooy Javanmard, M. Mansourian, B. Amra, F. Soltaninejad, M. Mortazavi, P. Adibi, N. Khademi, N. Sadat Hosseini, A. Toghyani, R. Hassannejad, M. A. Mañanas, H. Binder and M. Wolkewitz (2021). "Absolute mortality risk assessment of COVID-19 patients: the Khorshid COVID Cohort (KCC) study." BMC Med Res Methodol 21(1): 146.
29. Marateb, H. R., Z. Tasdighi, M. R. Mohebian, A. Naghavi, M. Hess, M. E. Motlagh, R. Heshmat, M. Mansourian, M. A. Mañanas, H. Binder and R. Kelishadi (2021). "Classification of psychiatric symptoms using deep interaction networks: the CASPIAN-IV study." Scientific Reports 11(1): 15706.
30. Hassannejad, R., Mansourian, M., Marateb, H., Mohebian, M.R., Gaziano, T.A., Jackson, R.T., Di Angelantonio, E. and Sarrafzadegan, N., 2021. Developing Non-Laboratory Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Charts and Validating Laboratory and Non-Laboratory-Based Models. Global Heart, 16(1), p.58. DOI:
31. M. Abedi, H. R. Marateb, M. R. Mohebian, S. H. Aghaee-Bakhtiari, S. M.
Nassiri, and Y. Gheisari, "Systems biology and machine learning approaches
identify drug targets in diabetic nephropathy," Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no.
1, pp. 1-15, 2021.
32. M. R. Mohebbian, S. S. Vedaei, K. A. Wahid, A. Dinh,
H. R. Marateb, and K. Tavakolian, "Fetal ECG extraction from maternal ECG using
attention-based CycleGAN," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 515-526, 2021.
33. P. Ghaderi, M. Nosouhi, M. Jordanic, H.
R. Marateb, M. A. Mañanas, and D. Farina, "Kernel Density Estimation of
Electromyographic Signals and Ensemble Learning for Highly Accurate
Classification of a Large Set of Hand/Wrist Motions," Frontiers in Neuroscience,
vol. 16, 2022.
34. M. Neghabi, H. R. Marateb, and A. Mahnam, "Novel
frequency-based approach for detection of steady-state visual evoked potentials
for realization of practical brain computer interfaces," Brain-Computer
Interfaces, pp. 1-14, 2022.
35. H. Roohafza et al., "A Cardiovascular Risk
Assessment model according to behavioral, pSychosocial and traditional factors
in patients with ST-segment elevation Myocardial Infarction (CRAS-MI): review of
literature and methodology of a multi-center cohort study," Current Problems in
Cardiology, p. 101158, 2022.
36. M. Shirzadi, H. R. Marateb, K. C. McGill, S.
Muceli, M. A. Mañanas, and D. Farina, "An Accurate and Real-time Method for
Resolving Superimposed Action Potentials in MultiUnit Recordings," IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 378-389, 2022.
Selected Published
PubMed/Scopus papers
1. Hajiaghababa F, Kermani S, Marateb HR. An
Undecimated Wavelet-based Method for Cochlear Implant Speech Processing. Journal
of medical signals and sensors. 2014;4(4):247-55.
2. Jafari Z, Edrisi M, Marateb
HR. An Electromyographic-driven Musculoskeletal Torque Model using Neuro-Fuzzy
System Identification: A Case Study. Journal of medical signals and sensors.
Pashaei A, Yazdchi MR, Marateb HR. Designing a Low-noise, High-resolution, and
Portable Four Channel Acquisition System for Recording Surface Electromyographic
Signal. Journal of medical signals and sensors. 2015;5(4):245-52.
4. Mansourian M, Marateb HR,
Vaseghi G. The effect of extremely low-frequency magnetic field (50-60 Hz)
exposure on spontaneous apoptosis: The results of a meta-analysis. Advanced
biomedical research. 2016;5:141.
Book, book chapters, Encyclopedia chapters
Marateb HR, McGill KC. Electromyographic (EMG) Decomposition. Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 201 (DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8296).
published Book chapters:
Modelling and Analysis of Active Biopotential Signals in Healthcare, Volume 1, IOP Publishing:
Chapter 4, Epileptic seizure prediction and
onset zone localization using intracranial and scalp electroencephalographic and
magnetoencephalographic signals; H.R. Marateb, et. al (2020)
Chapter 7, Reliable and accurate information extraction from surface electromyographic signals; H.R. Marateb, et. al (2020)
Modelling and Analysis of Active Biopotential Signals in Healthcare, Volume 2:
Computer-aided Design and Diagnosis Methods for Biomedical Applications, CRC Press:
CHAPTER 14, Reliable Diagnosis and Prognosis of COVID-19
Analysis of Medical Modalities for Improved Diagnosis in Modern Healthcare, CRC Press:
CHAPTER 5, Prosthesis Control Using Undersampled Surface Electromyographic Signals
[1] T. Azimi et al., "Psychiatric disorders and
cognitive impairment following COVID-19: a comprehensive review and its
implications for smart healthcare design,"
Cognitive Sensors,
Volume 1: IOP Publishing, 2022, pp. 3-1-3-27.
[Online]. Available:
S. Khademi, M. Neghabi, M. Farahi, M. Shirzadi, and H. R. Marateb, "2 - A comprehensive review of the movement imaginary brain-computer interface methods: Challenges and future directions," in Artificial Intelligence-Based Brain-Computer Interface, V. Bajaj and G. R. Sinha Eds.: Academic Press, 2022, pp. 23-74.