Graduated Students

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o   Z. Ghanei, Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) rehabilitation, BSc thesis, 2011

o   Z Navardi, Density-based cortical spike sorting, BSc thesis, 2011

o   Z Jafari, Expert-based modeling of muscle force based on surface EMG signal, Master’s thesis, 2012

o   E Baigi, Identification of emotional status based on EEG signals, Master’s thesis (as a consulting supervisor), 2012

o   H Marzbani, design and implementation of a neuro-feedback system, BSc thesis, 2012

o   M Sadeghi, design and implementation of a wire-less FES system, BSc thesis, 2012

o   MJ Heidari, Using image inpainting methods for reconstruction of EMG “bad” channels, BSc thesis, 2012

o   N Kazemi, Suppressing impulsive noise using generalized likelihood ratio test, BSc thesis, 2012

o   M Sisakhti, M Kordi, Identification of muscle innervation zone using fuzzy systems, BSc thesis, 2013

o   H Nemat, Identification of microalbuminuria base on blood factors, BSc thesis, 2013

o   S Goudarzi, Ordinal data clustering and its usage in GIS, BSc thesis, 2013

o   F Razavi, Movement identification based on EEG signals for SCI, BSc thesis, 2013

o   S Jorjandi, Identification of different movement based on surface EMG signals, BSc thesis, 2013

o   S Sadegh pour, EMG-force modeling using inverse biomechanical modeling, BSc thesis, 2014

o   M Farahbakhsh, A diagnosis system for detection of Low-Birth-Weight (LBW) infants, BSc thesis, 2014

o   M Farahi, A diagnosis system for detection of obesity based on nutritional Socioeconomic status, BSc thesis, 2014

o   M Mohebian, Recurrence prediction in breast cancer patients using fuzzy systems, BSc thesis, 2015

o   S Sadeghpour, Muscle force estimating based on sEMG signals using improved Hill model, BSc thesis, 2015

o   A Tavallaei, Prediction of Dyslipidemia in children and adolescents based on genetic factors using data mining techniques, BSc thesis, 2015

o   Z Ebrahimi, Feature extraction and classification of sEMG signal for prosthesis control, BSc thesis, 2015



o   S Karimimehr, Neural Decoding using pattern recognition techniques, Master's thesis, 2015

o   P Ghaderi, Pre-processing and classification of sEMG signals for hand movement classification, Master's thesis, 2015

o   M Hafezolforghan, Precition of Gait instability, Master's thesis, 2016

o   M Mohebian, HDsEMG decomposition using guided source separation, Master's thesis, 2017

o   M Shirzadi, Resolving superimposed MUAPs, Master's thesis, 2018

o   NS Mousavi, Optimal estimation of motor unit firing patters, Master's thesis, 2019


Graduate studnet projects in details, in Farsi