Conference Presentations

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Peer-reviewed conference presentations:

·         Ghazaleh Soleimani, Mehran Emadi Andani, Hamidreza Marateb, Fariba Bahrami, Speed influences on complicated kinetic, kinematic and electromyographic gait data of lower extremities among healthy subjects. ICBME 2016.

·         P Adibi,HR Marateb, M Mansourian, H Daghaghzadeh, AH Keshteli, N Andrikos, et al, An unsupervised rank-data classification of psychological, alimentary health and nutrition (SEPAHAN) project. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology (IF: 3.325; Ranking: 2012: 22/74 (Gastroenterology & Hepatology)). Vol. 28. WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2013; 515-16, DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12363_2

·         P Adibi,M Mansourian, HR Marateb, H Daghaghzadeh, AH Keshteli, Identifying the subtypes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using an unsupervised classification of SEPAHAN project. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. Vol. 28. WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2013; 516-16, DOI: 10.1111/jgh.12363_2

·         H.R. Marateb, Online Neural Decoding: Outlook, Limitations and Implementation, the 2nd Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Congress, Tehran, Iran, 2013 as an inviated presenter (“BCN.jpg”)

·         H.R. Marateb, S. Muceli, A. Gail, D. Farina, AUTOMATIC SPIKE SORTING ALGORITHM MLE-BASED MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING DENSITY-BASED CLASSIFICATION, ISEK[1] 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 19-21st July , 2012

·         H.R. Marateb, S. Muceli, D. Farina, ONLINE DECOMPOSTION OF SINGLE-CHANNEL INTRA-MUSCULAR EMG TO CONTROL EMG-POWERED PROSTHESIS, ISEK 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 19-21st July, 2012

·         Botter, H.R. Marateb, B. Afsharipour, R. Merletti, Solving EMG-force relationship using Particle Swarm Optimization, Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 Aug, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2008.2005953

·         H.R. Marateb, R. Introzzi, R. Merletti, and C. Cescon, A low-noise front-end amplifier for biopotential recordings, 11th International Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Sep. 7-12 , Munich , 2009, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-03885-3_169

      ·         K.C. McGill, and H.R. Marateb, Rigorous A-posteriori Assessment of Accuracy in EMG Decomposition, XVIII ISEK Congress in Aalborg, 16-19 June, 2010

·         H.R. Marateb, K.C. McGill, Z.C. Lateva, A. Holobar, and R. Merletti, Validation of CKC Surface EMG Decomposition in a Pennate Muscle, XVIII ISEK Congress in Aalborg, 16-19 June , 2010

·         K.C. McGill, H.R. Marateb, Z.C. Lateva, and R. Merletti, Surface Distribution of MUAPs in a Pennate Muscle, XVIII ISEK Congress in Aalborg, 16-19 June, 2010

·         H.R. Marateb, F.A. Soares, M. Rojas, and R. Merletti, An expert-based fuzzy system for automatically identifying the location of muscle IZ's in sEMG, International Xth Quantitative EMG conferences Xth Quantitative EMG Conference Venice, Italy, May , 2009

·         H.R. Marateb, M. Rojas- Martinez, M.A. Mananas Villanueva, and R. Merletti, Robust outlier detection in high density surface electromyographic signals, 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., pp. 4850-4853, Aug. 31- Sept. 4, 2010, DOI:  10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5627280

·         H.R. Marateb , and K.C. McGill, Resolving Superimposed MUAPs using Particle Swarm Optimization, ISEK2008 , Ontario, Niagara Falls, Canada 12-18 , 2008

·         H. R. Marateb , K. C. McGill, Knowledge-based Automatic Decomposition of EMG Signals, XVI ISEK2006 Congress , Torino , Italy , June 28-July 1 , 2006

·         K. C. McGill , H. R. Marateb , Estimating the accuracy of EMG decomposition results, ISEK2006, Torino , Italy , June 28-July 1 , 2006

·         K. C. McGill, Z. C. Lateva , and H. R. Marateb , EMGLAB: an open-source EMG Decomposition Program, ISEK2006, Torino ,Italy , June 28-July 1 , 2006


ISEK 2014:

ICCKE 2014:

National Conferences:

1- مرجان منصوريان ,حميدرضا مراتب , طراحی برنامه جامع ارتقاء کيفيت پاسخگويی و هدفمندی پژوهش , اولين جشنواره ايده برای ارتقای کيفيت پژوهش ,سخنرانی, 1393/3/27 :

    كسب رتبه برگزيده در اولين جشنواره ايده براي ارتقاي كيفيت پژوهش با طرح ايده «طراحي برنامه جامع ارتقاء كيفيت پاسخگويي و هدفمندي پژوهش, معاونت پژوهشی و فناوری دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان , 1393.

2- فاطمه حاجی آقا بابا, سعيد کرمانی , حميدرضا مراتب , استفاده از شبكه هاي عصبي موجكي به منظور بهبود سيگنال گفتار در پردازنده هاي كاشت حلزون گوش , اولين كنفرانس ملي علوم مهندسي ، ايده هاي نو ,پوستر, 1393/2/21

3- غزاله سليماني، مهران عمادي انداني، حميدرضا مراتب، علی مهدوی ، فریبا بهرامی، بررسی پایداری دینامیکی محلی و تغییرات زمانی بین گامها درحین راه رفتن بر اثر تلقین مثبت: یک مطالعه ی اولیه، 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Mechanics, Mechatronics & Biomechanics، 2016.



International/Local Workshops (Invited talks):


·         H.R. Marateb, “Data mining in medicine”, Isfahan University of Medical Scicnes,Dec. 11-12, 2013.

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “Method of research”, Isfahan University of Technology, July 1-2, 2013.

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “Modeling muscle force using high-density surface EMG”, the University of Isfahan, October 1, 2012.

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “High-density surface EMG for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders and rehabilitation of spinal cord injury”, UPC, Barcelona, September 3-29, 2012 (“visiting researcher UPC.jpg”).

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “Non-invasive identification of muscle IZ”, the University of Isfahan, October 3, 2011.

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “Decoding the neural drive to skeletal muscles from the high-density surface electromyography”, Politecnico di Torino, Feb., 4, 2011 (“workshop2.pdf”).

·         K.C.  McGill,  H.R.  Marateb “Assessing  the  Accuracy  of  EMG  Decomposition”,  EMG decomposition Workshop, XVIII ISEK Congress in Aalborg, 16-19 June 2010.

·         H.R.  Marateb,  “The  investigation  of  the  neuromuscular  system  through  intramuscular  and  surface  electromyography: Investigating the neuromuscular system using EMG decomposition”, Politecnico di Torino, Feb., 1, 2010 (“workshop1.pdf”)


Chapters in the annual reports of the Laboratory of Engineering of Neuromuscular System and Motor Rehabilitation (LISiN), Politecnico di Torino, available at :


·         B. Afsharipour, A. Botter, H. R. Marateb, R. Merletti, “Solving EMG-force relationship using Particle Swarm Optimization”, LISiN, Annual Report 2011, pp. 26-27

·         M. Mansourian, M.A. Mañanas Villanueva, H.R. Marateb, R. Merletti, M. Rojas- Martínez, “Outlier Detection in High-Density Surface Electromyographic Signals”, LISiN, Annual Report 2010, pp. 29-30

·         D.  Farina,  H.R.  Marateb,  K.C.  McGill  ,  R.  Merletti ,  S.  Muceli,  “Robust  Decomposition  of  single-channel  EMG signals”, LISiN, Annual Report 2010, pp. 27-28

·         Holobar, Z.C. Lateva, H.R. Marateb, K.C. McGill, “Validation of the CKC surface EMG decomposition  algorithm in a pennate muscle”, LISiN, Annual report 2009, pp. 27-29

·         H.R. Marateb, R.  Merletti, and M. Rojas, “Outlier  detection in HDsEMG using an automatic expert-based  Fuzzy system”, LISiN, Annual Report 2009, pp. 30-32


Internal (LISiN) reports and seminars:

·         H.R.  Marateb,  et  al.,  “Validation  of  the  CKC  surface  EMG  decomposition  in  Biceps  Femoris  muscle”,  Internal presentation, March, 16, 2010.

·         H.R. Marateb, et al., “Validation of the CKC surface EMG decomposition algorithm in a pinnate muscle”, Internal Report, ver. no. 1.2, Jan., 29, 2010.

·         H.R. Marateb, K.C. McGill, “Accuracy assessment ofintra-muscular EMG decomposition”, Internal Presentation, Feb., 20, 2008.

·         H.R. Marateb, and R. Introzzi, “A low-noise front-end amplifier”, Internal Presentation, Feb., 25, 2009.

·         H.R. Marateb, and R. Introzzi, “Design of an EMG front-end amplifier”, Internal Report, rev. 3, pp. 1-35, May, 18, 2009.

·         H.R. Marateb, and R. Introzzi, “The new front-end amplifier EMG amplifier”, Internal Report, rev. 1, pp. 1-101, Feb., 25, 2009.

·         H.R. Marateb, F.A. Soares, M. Rojas, and R. Merletti, “Fuzzy systems in outlier detection procedure”, Internal Presentation, July, 22, 2009.

·        H.R. Marateb, F.A. Soares, M. Rojas, M. Mansourian, and R. Merletti, “Robust outlier detection in High-Density surface EMG signals”, Internal presentation, March,22,2010.

·         H.R. Marateb, “Automatic cleaning of surface EMG signals”, Internal Report, rev. 2, May, 16, 2008.

·         H.R.Marateb, S.  Muceli, K.C. McGill, R. Merletti and D. Farina, “Robust decomposition of  single-channel intramuscular signals”, Internal Presentation, Dec., 16, 2010

·         H.R.Marateb, S.  Muceli, K.C. McGill, R. Merletti and D. Farina,  “Robust  decomposition of  single-channel intramuscular signals”, Internal Report, ver. 1.2, pp.1-111, July, 1, 2010.

H.R.  Marateb,  K.C.  McGill,  “Resolving  superimposed  MUAPs  using  Particle  Swarm  Optimization”,  Internal Presentation, April, 19, 2008


[1] the Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK)