My research interests lie under the umbrella of e-Commerce employing any computational theory, method and technology in the field of Computer Science and specially Artificial Intelligence interdisciplined with Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Management, etc and include:
- negotiation/bargaining/auction, strategic decision making,
- electronic commerce/marketing,
- computatioal social choice,
- distributed artificial intelligence,
- data mining, machine learning,
- multiagent systems,
- cognitive and social sciences,
- evolutionary game theory,
- chaos, fractals,
- electronic payment/banking,
- security in electronic cyberspace
I am director of i-c-e Commerce (Intelligent & Computational Electronic Commerce) research group in Department of Information Technology Engineering at the University of Isfahan.
We are pleased to invite you to join "i-c-e Commerce", if you are interested to carry our a research under my supervision in the following areas:
- Autonomous Negotiation & Decision-Making:
Bidding Strategies, Marketing Strategies, Consumer Decision-Making, Recommender Systems.
- Collective Intelligence & Emergent Behavior:
Consumer Buying Behavior, Cognitive Agents, Social Simulation, Collective Learning.
- Artificial Intelligence & Business Intelligence:
Data Mining, Reasoning, Argumentation, Knowledge Representation, Computational Logics.
- Computational Economics and Mechanism Design:
Negotiation Mechanism, Auction Design, Market Design, Smart Market.
- Trust and Reputation:
Reputation, Ethics, Security, e-Payments.
- Tools & Platforms:
Multi-Agent Systems, Test Suites, Search Engines, Intelligent Systems.