Research Visits:
Visiting Research Scholar under Prof. Ryszard Kowalczyk at Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies in Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, under MSRT scholarships (June 2008-March 2009).
ISCL-DALT 2011 ("Third International ALP/GULP Spring School on Computational Logic" co-located "First International School on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies"), Bertinoro, Italy, under ALP scholarship (April 2011).
RFF ("Rosalind Frankline Fellowship" visit, University of Geroningen, Geroningen, the Netherlands, under RFF Travel Grant (April 2017).
IJCAI 2017 ("Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Melbourne, Australia, under IJCAI Travel Grant (August 2017).
IJCAI-ECAI 2018 ("Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Twenty-Third European Conference on Artificial Intelligence", Stockholm, Sweden, under IJCAI Travel Grant (July 2018).
Editorial Board:
ECDE2012 Reviewer, the 6th International Conference on E-commerce
& Developing Countries (Shiraz, Iran) 2012.
ICALT2012 Reviewer,
the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language & Technology (Mashhad, Iran) 2012.
NMRJ Reviewer, New Marketing Research,
(Indexed Journal, University of Isfahan) 2013-present.
ISCISC'13 Reviewer, the 10th
International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Yazd, Iran) 2013.
KnoSys Reviewer, Knowledge-Based Systems, (ISI Elsevier Journal) 2013-present.
ISCISC'14 Reviewer, the 11th
International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Tehran, Iran) 2014.
JPOM Reviewer, Journal of Operation and Research,
(Indexed Journal, University of Isfahan) 2014-present.
ICCKE'14 Reviewer, the 4th
International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (Mashad, Iran) 2014.
ISF-Conference2016 Reviewer, The 1st Trilateral International Conference Among Iran, France, Germany (Isfahan, Iran) 2016.
IoT 2017 Reviewer, the 1st International Conference on the Internet of Things,Applications and Infrastructure, (Isfahan, Iran) 2017.
ISF-Conference2017 Reviewer, The 2st Trilateral International Conference Among Iran, France, Germany (Strasburg, France) 2017.
IJCAI-17 Program Committee Member (PC Member), the 26th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Melbourne, Australia) 2017.
IJCAI-ECAI-18 Program Committee Member (PC Member) and Session Chair, the 27th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Stockholm, Sweden) 2018.
AAAI-19 Program Committee Member (PC Member), the 33th AAAI Conference on on Artificial Intelligence, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (Hawaii, USA) 2018-2019.
Teaching Experiences:
Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology Engineering at the University of Isfahan (UI), IRAN (2010-12-24 to present).
Lecturer in the Department of Information Technology Engineering at the University of Isfahan (UI), IRAN (2007 to 2010-12-23) under the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology Scholarship award.
Assistant Professor
(Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2017, Fall 2018)
Graduate course on (Advanced Topics in Engineering of e-Commerce Systems): Fundamentals of Electronic Marketplaces for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Spring 2013)
Graduate course on Electronic Payment System for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Spring 2013)
Graduate course on Research Methods for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2012, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2017, Spring 2018)
Graduate course on Electronic Marketing for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2015)
Graduate course on Electronic Commerce Strategy for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2015)
Undergraduate course on Fundamentals of Information Technology for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2011, Fall 2012)
Undergraduate course on Fundamentals of Computer and Programming for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2016)
Undergraduate course on Computer Programming for the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2011)
Undergraduate course on (Advanced Topics in IT): Data Mining for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Spring 2011, Fall 2015)
Undergraduate course on Expert and Decision Support Systems for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017)
Undergraduate course on (Information Technology Engineering II): Ethics and Law in Information Technology for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
Undergraduate course on Technical and Scientific Presentation for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Fall 2017)
Undergraduate course on Artificial Intelligence for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2007, Fall 2009)
Undergraduate course on Artificial Intelligence for the Department of Information Technology at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2004, Spring 2005)
Undergraduate course on Artificial Intelligence for the Department of Computer Engineering at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
(Fall 2004, Fall 2009)
Undergraduate course on Computer Lab for the Department of Computer Engineering at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
Teaching Assistant Lecturer
(Spring 2002)
Graduate course on Computer Networks joint with Dr. Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh for the Department of Computer Engineering at University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
Professional Experiences:
Co-Organizer of EU-Iran Joint Conference on Migration Research (2018-present).
European Commission National Contact Point in Iran for Joint Research Center (2017-present).
Coordinator of UI Research and Education relationships with European Commission, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-present).
Representative of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology in the Committee for Internationalization of the University of Isfahan, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-present).
Consultant of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-2018).
Member of Committee for Scientometrics and Devising Research Polices of UI, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2015-present).
Workshop Lecturer: Designing and Programming UI Homepages, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (November 2013).
Workshop Lecturer: Management of digital scientific information: EndNote, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (February & July 2013).
Reseach Project: A multi-unit extension for multi-attribute double auction mechanism, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2013-2014).
Member of Research Department of the Spatial Information Systems, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2013-present).
Workshop organizer: Data Mining and its applications indifferent fields (By: Prof. Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh), University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (June 2013).
Reseach Project: Analysis of the performance of IT projects in municipality of Isfahan, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2012-2013).
Member of Scientific Committee of The 6th International Conference on E-commerce
& Developing Countries (ECDC2012), Shiraz-Iran (May 2012).
Invited Speaker at the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language & Technology (ICALT2012), Mashhad-Iran (July 2012).
Member of Scientific Committee of The First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language & Technology (ICALT2012), Mashhad-Iran (July 2012).
Steering Member of DiploTech Research Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2012-present).
Continuous Member of Iranian Assocoation of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (2012-present).
Proposing & Organizing WEBCUP11 Competition, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (Phase 1: March-April 2011, Phase 2: June 2011-present).
Member of Research Department of the Communication Systems and Information Security (CSIS), University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-present).
Committee member for Foreigner Students, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-present).
Research & Graduate Studies Committee member, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-present).
Syllabus Committee member, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-present).
Research & Graduate Studies and Syllabus Program Directors, Department of Information Technology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (December 2010-present).
Seminar: Dealing with Plagiarism in Electronic Era for students in Information Technology Engineering (II) Class, Department of Information Technology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan-Iran (May 2010).
Workshop Lecturer at A Seminar on eCommerce Steps Toward Transformation, Sheiykh-Bahaee University (SHBU), Isfahan-Iran (May 2007).
ISFCOM Agent in Research and Technology Usergroup at the General Government of Isfahan Province, Isfahan-Iran (2004).
Program committee head and Scientific Sessions committee head of The 1st National Congress and Exhibition of Electronic Commerce, Necessities & Approaches (ECN@I83), Isfahan-Iran (May 2004).
IT & e-Commerce consultant under Dr. Farhad Dejpasand (Vice Minister) and Dr. Abass Memarnejad for Ministry of Commerce at Province of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (January 2004-March 2005).
Invited speaker at the First Meeting of Govermental Commerce Co. IT Heads, Isfahan-Iran (December 2003).
Member (ENBANK Agent) of Education (under Mr. Saeid Parvinrou - CBI Vice President), Research (under Mr. Afshin Kiani - SHETAB Vice Manager) and Technical (under Mr. Mahmoud Zibaiee) committees of Iranian SWIFT Usergroup at the Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI), Tehran-Iran (2003).
Member (ENBANK Agent) of Iranian SWIFT Usergroup under Mr. Saeid Parvinroo (CBI International Vice President) at the Central Bank of Islamic republic of Iran (CBI), Tehran-Iran (2003).
Member of Computer Society of Iran (2001-present).
Network Administrator of the Graduate students' Computer Center, Computer Engineering Department, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan-Iran (2000-2002).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Hamadani, Dr. Ahmad Parsian and Dr. Ali Rejali (IUT) with the Fifth Iranian Statistics Conference, School of Mathematics, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan-Iran (1998-2000).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Rejali (IUT) with the Mathematics Home of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (1998).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Rejali (IUT) with the World Mathematical Year 2000 Organization, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan-Iran (1998-1999).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Hamadani with ANDISHE-ye AMARI journal of Iranian Statistical Society, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan-Iran (1998-1999).
Cooperation with Sheykh-Bahaiee University (SHBU), Baharestan, Isfahan, Iran (1996-1997).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Danaee with the 1st Iranian Mathematics Education Conference, Isfahan-Iran (August 1996).
Research assistant under Dr. Ali Danaee in Education Office of University of Isfahan (IUT), Isfahan-Iran (1995-1996).
Cooperation under Dr. Ali Danaee (IMS Agent at UI), Dr. Ali Rejali (IUT) and Dr. Ahmad Parsian with Iranian Mathematical Society (IMS), Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan-Iran (1995-1996).
Member of Iranian Mathematical Society (1995-2000).
Teaching assistant under Dr. Ali Danaee in the UnderGraduate students' Computer Center, Mathematics Department, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan-Iran (1995).
Research and Programming Experiences:
Researcher (ENBANK Agent) (2003)
Research, Teaching and Technical committees of Iranian SWIFT Usergroup, the Central Bank of Islamic republic of Iran (CBI), Tehran-Iran.
Web Analyzer/Designer/Developer (November 2002-November 2003)
IT Department, Eghtesad Novin Bank (ENBANK), Central Building, Tehran, Iran.
Researcher (November 2002-November 2003)
IT Department and SWIFT Section, Eghtesad Novin Bank (ENBANK), Central Building, Tehran, Iran.
System Analyzer/Designer/Programmer (Spring 1999)
Registration Software, Mathematics Home of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
System Analyzer/Designer/Programmer (Spring 1997)
Registration Software, Sheykh-Bahaiee University (SHBU), Baharestan, Isfahan, Iran.
System Analyzer/Designer/Programmer (1995)
Developing Additional Modules to Iranian Mathematical Socity (IMS) Database Software, Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
System Analyzer/Designer/Programmer (1994)
Developing Additional Modules to Mathematics Department's Library Database Software, Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan (UI), Isfahan, Iran.
Computer-Related Skills:
Programming Languages and other technologies: Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, COBOL, C, C++, Quick Basic, FoxPro, SQL, Assembly for PCs, GPSS, DESIRE, Java, JavaScript, ASP, CLIPS, Prolog, VBScript, HTML, XML, UML.
Operating Systems: DOS, Windows XP, NT, Unix
Application Software: MATLAB, Weka, IntelliJ, Aglets, Office, Internet related tools, Visual InterDev, Frontpage, LaTeX, Farsi-TeX, TeX-Parsi, SPIRS, ORACLE, Rational Rose, Mathematica, Photoshop.