Computer Programming (UnderGraduate Course)


  1. N. Ghasem-Aghaee et. al, "Fundamentals of Computer and Programming in C++", Naghoos, 2008 [in Persian].

  2. B. Stroustrup, "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++", Addison-Wesley, 2009.
  3. H. Deitel and P. Deitel, "C++: How to Program", 8th Edition, Prentice–Hall, 2011.

Useful Links and Resources

Mailing Lists

        Fall 2018:
Click to join CP 2018 @ UI
Click to join CP 2018 @ UI

for homeworks, exercises, projects and news!

        Fall 2016: CHEngCP2016 Mailing List

Tools: Turbo C++, QT, Visual C++


Fall 2018: CP18TA

Fall 2016: ChEngCP16TA


Fall 2016:
  Homeworks, Quizes: 10%
  Projects: 20%
  Mid Term (Test & Exam): 25%
  Final (Test & Exam): 45%



  © Faria Nasiri Mofakham