1. Copper award and honorific Diploma (The 15th International Children's Art Exhibition. Tokyo, JAPAN) 1985.

  2. Third grade student in Diploma (Isfahan, Iran).

  3. Top 3% rank; Second garde student in B.Sc. (Isfahan, Iran).

  4. Distinguished researcher student of School of Engineering (University of Isfahan) 2002.

  5. Top student in M.Sc. (Isfahan, Iran) 2003, with GPA of 18.66 out of 20.

  6. The prize winner of the best idea of Iran (The Best Ideas National Festival, Science and Technology Park, Yazd, Iran) 2003.

  7. The prize winner of the best thesis of Iran (Jahade-Daneshgahi and Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran) 2004.

  8. ECN@I83 Program committee head and Scientific Sessions committee head of The 1st National Congress and Exhibition of Electronic Commerce, Necessities & Approaches (Isfahan, Iran) May 2004.

  9. Distinguished woman researcher of Iran (Iran's Presidency Office) 2004.

  10. The winner of the best e-Commerce journal paper of Iran (Ministry of Commerce, Iran) 2005.

  11. Got an honorific support of the Talented Students' Office of University of Isfahan from 2005 (Isfahan, Iran).

  12. Got financial supports from Higher Education Office of University of Isfahan for publication of three journal and five conference papers (Isfahan, Iran).

  13. Distinguished student of the University of Isfahan (Isfahan, Iran) 2006.

  14. Got a top student prize from the General Governor of Isfahan Province (Isfahan, Iran) 2006.

  15. PhD Scholarship from The Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology for joining the Information Technology Engineering Department of the University of Isfahan as a Lecturer (Isfahan, Iran) 2007-present.

  16. Got research visit admissions from Prof. Nick Jennings (Southampton, UK), Prof. Ryszard Kowalczyk (Swinburne, AUSTRALIA), Prof. Aditya Ghose (Wollongong, AUSTRALIA), and Dr. Mark Klein (MIT, USA) 2008.

  17. Got research visit Scholarship from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (Tehran, Iran) 2008.

  18. Visiting PhD Student in the Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA) June 2008- March 2009.

  19. Member of The Agents-in-Melbourne group (AGENTS VIC), Australia (2008-present).

  20. ISCISC'09 Reviewer, the 6th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Isfahan, Iran) 2009.

  21. ECRA Reviewer, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, (ISI Elsevier Journal) 2009-present.

  22. INS Reviewer, an international journal of Information Sciences: Informatics and Computer Science Intelligent Systems Applications, (ISI Elsevier Journal) 2009-present.

  23. The First PhD Graduate in Computer Engineering in the Province of Isfahan (23 December 2010).

  24. Full-Time Faculty member, as an Assistant Professor at Department of Information Technology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan (24 December 2010 - present).

  25. ISCL addmission and Reduced Fee Scholarship from Association for Logic Programming (ALP) for attending ISCL-DALT 2011, Italy (April 2011).

  26. Research & Graduate Studies and Syllabus Program Directors, Department of Information Technology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (December 2010-September 2012).

  27. Member of Research & Graduate Studies Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-2012).

  28. Member of Syllabus Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-2012).

  29. Member of Committee for Foreigner Students, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-2012).

  30. Member of Research Department of the Communication Systems and Information Security (CSIS), Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2011-present).

  31. Proposer & Organizer of WEBCUP11 Competition, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan (March 2011-present).

  32. The prize winner of the best PhD thesis in engineering (University of Isfahan, Iran) 2011.

  33. ISEE Reviewer, Intelligent Systems in Electrical Engineering, (Indexed Journal, University of Isfahan) 2011-present.

  34. Steering Member of DiploTech Research Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2012-present).

  35. Continuous Member of Iranian Assocoation of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Iran (2012-present).

  36. ECDE2012 Reviewer, the 6th International Conference on E-commerce & Developing Countries (Shiraz, Iran) 2012.

  37. ICALT2012 Reviewer, the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language & Technology (Mashhad, Iran) 2012.

  38. ECDC2012 Member of Scientific Committee of the 6th International Conference on E-commerce & Developing Countries (Shiraz, Iran) May 2012.

  39. ICALT2012 Member of Scientific Committee of the First International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Language & Technology (Mashhad, Iran) July 2012.

  40. Member of Italian Special Interest Group on Logic Programming (GULP, standing for "Gruppo Utenti e ricercatori di Logic Programming"), Italy (2012-present).

  41. ECDC2013 Member of Scientific Committee of the 7th International Conference on E-commerce & Developing Countries (Kish Island, Iran) April 2013.

  42. NMRJ Reviewer, New Marketing Research, (Indexed Journal, University of Isfahan) 2013-present.

  43. ISCISC'13 Reviewer, the 10th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Yazd, Iran) 2013.

  44. KnoSys Reviewer, Knowledge-Based Systems, (ISI Elsevier Journal) 2013-present.

  45. ECDC2014 Member of Scientific Committee of the 8th International Conference on E-commerce & Developing Countries (Mashhad, Iran) April 2014.

  46. Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer of ECRA, 2013-2015.

  47. ANAC Finalist (BraveCat team Supervisor, 7nd rank), the 5th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (Paris, France) March-May 2014.

  48. Elsevier Recognized Reviewer of ECRA, 2014.

  49. JPOM Reviewer, Journal of Production and Operations Management, (Indexed Journal, University of Isfahan) 2014-present.

  50. Nationwide Outstanding Education and Research Award from Ministry of Communication and InformationTechnology, Fava Festival (Tehran, Iran), May 2014.

  51. ISCISC'14 Reviewer, the 11th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Tehran, Iran) 2014.

  52. ICCKE2014 Member of Scientific Committee of the 4th International ISC Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (Mashhad, Iran) 2014.

  53. Editor of Current and Future Developments in Artificial Intelligence, Bentham Science Publishing (2014-present).

  54. Member of Think Tank Committee for Research and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2015-present).

  55. ANAC Finalist (ParsAgent team Supervisor, 2nd rank), the 6th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (Istanbul, Turkey) March-May 2015.

  56. Elsevier Recognized Reviewer of ECRA, 2015.

  57. Member of Committee for Scientometrics and Devising Research Polices of UI, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2015-present).

  58. Tianchi Finalist (Team Supervisor, 4th rank), Purchase and Redemption Forecasts Competition, Alibaba.com Group (Hangzhou, China) June-August 2015.

  59. Consultant of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-present).

  60. 3MT Winner (Student Supervisor, 1st rank), 3 Minutes Thesis Competition, Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, February 2016.

  61. ISF-Conference2016 Member of Scientific Committee of The 1st Trilateral International Conference on Transfer of Knowledge Among Iran, France, Germany (Isfahan, Iran) 2016.

  62. ANAC Finalist (ParsCat team Supervisor, 2nd rank), the 7th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (Singapore, Singapore) March-May 2016.

  63. Coordinator of UI Research and Education relationships with European Commission, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-present).

  64. Editorial Member, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Journal, Elsevier (2016-present).

  65. Representative of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology in the Committee for Internationalization of the University of Isfahan, University of Isfahan, Isfahan-Iran (2016-present).

  66. ERC grant for participating in RFF Fellowship (March 2017).

  67. Selected among 16 Talented Women Candidates among 70 RFF Fellowship applicants around the world, The Netherlands, 2017.

  68. ISF-Conference2017 Member of Scientific Committee of The 2nd Trilateral International Conference Among Iran, France, Germany (Strasburg, France) 2017.

  69. IJCAI grant for participating in the 26th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (June 2017).

  70. IJCAI 2017 Member of Program Committee of the 26th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-2017 (Melbourne, Australia) March-July 2017.

  71. ANAC Finalist (ParsCat and ParsAgent teams Supervisor, 1st and 3rd ranks), the 8th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (Melbourne, Australia) June-August 2017.

  72. European Commission National Contact Point in Iran for Joint Research Center (2017-present).

  73. IJCAI-ECAI-2018 Member of Program Committee of the 27th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Stockholm, Sweden) March-July 2018.

  74. IJCAI grant for participating in the 27th Internatonal Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2018), July 2018.

  75. ANAC Finalist (AgreeableAgent2018 UT team Advisor, 1st rank), the 9th International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (Stockholm, Sweden) July 2018.

  76. AAAI 2019 Member of Program Committee of the 33th AAAI Conference on on Artificial Intelligence, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (Hawaii, USA) September 2018-February 2019.




  © Faria Nasiri Mofakham