Research Interests

1- Hydrogen energy production and storage

2- Renewable Energy Systems

3- Thermal energy storage



Ehsan Baniasadi

Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

University of Isfahan



GoogleScholar link
Scopus link
(Author ID:35781645200)
Publons link
Web of Science Researcher ID:I-2015-2018

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7835-8094




PhD, Mechanical Engineering

University of Ontario Institute of Technology, ON, Canada

Thesis title: Development of a New Hybrid Photochemical / Electrocatalytic Water Splitting Reactor for Hydrogen Production: Design, Analysis, and Experiments.

Supervisor: Prof. Ibrahim Dinçer

Co- Supervisor: Prof. Greg F. Naterer


Research Assistant

Multi phase flow laboratory, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA


MSc., Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion)

Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering

Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Academic Experience

Associate professor at University of Isfahan, Iran                                                              2018-present

Head of Energy Research Institute                                                                                        2017-present

Assistant professor at University of Isfahan, Iran                                                                     2013-2018


Student supervised:

6 PhD students, 10 Master Students, 16 Undergraduate students

Courses taught:

Advanced Solar Energy, Advanced Thermodynamics, Exergy, Air Conditioning Systems, Refrigeration, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics


Industrial Work Experience

Research projects                                                                                                                             2015-present

1. Development of a software to calculate the efficiency of atmospheric indirect water bath heaters in CGS and CGS/TBS stations of Isfahan province
2. Multi-agent Optimization of Natural Gas Pipeline Operations, Client: Iranian National Gas Company, Iran
3. Developing Energy base line for commercial buildings, Client: Iranian National Gas Company, Iran


Technical consultant for R&D division                                                                                             2013-2015

                    S.B.R Consultant Engineering Company, Isfahan, Iran 

Project engineer                                                                                                                                    2006-2009

                    S.B.R Consultant Engineering Company, Isfahan, Iran

Project engineer                                                                                                                                    2005-2006

                    M.I.B.C (Middle East Building Company) Consultant Engineering Company, Tehran, Iran


1. Best Researcher award” for the year 2019: University of Isfahan.

2. “Most Cited Paper Award” for the year 2017: Applied Thermal Engineering, 110: 399-411, 2017.

3. Dean’s graduate scholarship, Doctoral level, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

4. First Class Honour, PhD. in Mechanical Engineering at UOIT.

5. First Class Honour, B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Yazd University.