University of Isfahan
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Dr. Mohammad Ataei
Phone: +98-3137934068
Fax: +98-3137933071
Research Field
University of Isfahan
Visiting Professor
2000 - 2004 | PhD. in Electrical Engineering - Control.
K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, I.R. Iran;
Joint project with the University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany- DAAD Scholarship
Major Field: Control Systems
Minor Field: Mathematics
1995 - 1997 | Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - Control
Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Thesis title: H Control: LMI-based approach
1990 - 1994 | Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering- Control
Isfahan University of Technology, Tehran, I.R. Iran
Thesis title: Modification of Robot Manipulator
Control Theory
Chaotic Systems
Nonlinear Control
Observer Design
Grants and Scholarships
1. A Norouzi Mobarakeh, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian (2024) “Robust sliding-mode observer for unbounded state nonlinear systems”, International Journal of Systems Science,
2. A Norouzi Mobarakeh, M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand (2024) “The threat of zero‐dynamics attack on non‐linear cyber‐physical systems”, IET Cyber‐Physical Systems: Theory & Applications,
3. S. Eslahi Tatafi,, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian (2024) “Robust distributed observer for uncertain systems”, The Journal of Engineering, Vol. 7, e12413.
4. N. Rabiee Roudsari, M. Ataei, HR Koofigar, A. Montazeri (2024) “A nonlinear disturbance observer for sliding mode control of surge in centrifugal compressors via TCV actuator”, Journal of Process Control, Vol. 139, e103227, pp. 3482-3491.
5. Z Pourahmad, RA Hooshmand, M Ataei (2024) “Optimal placement of PMU and PDC in power systems by considering the vulnerabilities against cyber-attacks”, Electrical Engineering, Vol. 106, Issue 1, pp. 93-109.
6. H Ghotb, M Ataei, M Siahi, A Moarefianpour (2024) “Distributed state estimation for uncertain nonlinear time-delay AC islanded micro grids”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 238, Issue 2, pp. 327-343.
7. H Masoudi, A Kiyoumarsi, SM Madani, M Ataei, (2023) “Closed-Loop Direct Power Control of Brushless DC Motor in Field Weakening Region”, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 3482-3491.
8. H Arefanjazi, M Ataei, M Ekramian, A Montazeri (2023) “A Robust Distributed Observer Design for Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Switching Topology”, Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. 360, Issue 14, pp. 10728-10744.
9. S. Talebi, M. Ataei, P. Pepe, (2023) “On the existence of invariantly differentiable functionals for globally exponentially stable time-delay systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (8), 4970-4976.
10. H Ghotb, M Ataei, M Siahi, A Moarefianpour (2023) “Design of developed distributed observers for nonlinear time-delay systems”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 45 (11), 2149-2167.
11. H Masoudi, A Kiyoumarsi, SM Madani, M Ataei, (2023) “Torque Ripple Reduction of Non-Sinusoidal Brushless DC Motor Based on Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Direct Power Control”, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 9, Issue 3, pp. 3769-3779.
12. Y. Hajnorouzali, M Malekzadeh, M Ataei, (2023) “Finite-time control of spacecraft and hardware in the loop tuning”, Asian Journal of Control 25 (1), 262-270.
13. Y. Hajnorouzali, M Malekzadeh, M Ataei, (2023) “Finite-time disturbance observer based-control of flexible spacecraft”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 29 (1-2), 346-361.
14. S. M. Tabibian, M. Ataei, H. R. Koofigar, (2021) “Computing frequency response of non-parametric uncertainty model of MIMO systems using υ-gap metric optimization”, IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 15, Issue 8, pp. 1115-1125.
15. S. Talebi, M. Ataei, P. Pepe, (2020) “An observer for a class of nonlinear systems with multiple state and measurement delays: a differential geometry-based approach”, European Journal of Control. Vol. 56, pp. 132-141.
16. A. Naderolasli, M. Ataei, (2020) “Stabilization of A Two-DOF Gimbal System Using Direct Self-Tuning Regulator”, International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 33-44.
17. S. Naghsh, M. Ataei, M. Yazdchi, M. Hashemi (2020) “Chaos-based analysis of heart rate variability time series in obstructive sleep apnea subjects”, Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, Vol. 10, Issue 1,p. 53.
18. M. Nemati, HR. Koofigar, M Ataei, (2019) ) “Observer design for one-sided Lipschitz discrete-time switched non-linear systems under asynchronous switching”, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 1163-1179.
19. H. Rabiei, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian, (2019) “Continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode control based on adaptive sliding mode disturbance observer for uncertain nonlinear systems”, Automatica, Vol. 109.
20. S. H. Moosapour, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian, (2019) “Prediction-based sliding mode control of non-linear systems with input delay using disturbance observer”, IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 13, Issue 13, pp. 2047-2055.
21. S. H. Moosapour, M. Ataei, H. Shim, M. Ekramian, (2019) “Asymptotic stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with long input delay in the presence of disturbance”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 91, pp. 125-134.
22. S. M. Madani, R. Sadeghi, T. A. Lipo, MR. Agha Kashkooli, M. Ataei, S. Ademi, (2019) “Voltage-Dip Analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Reduced T-model”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 10.1109/TIE.2018.2880713.
23. M. A. Abooshahab, M. Ekramian, M. Ataei, A. Ebrahimpour-Boroojeny, (2019) “Time-Delay Estimation in State and Output Equations of Nonlinear Systems Using Optimal Computational Approach”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 180 (3), pp. 1036-1064.
24. R. Sadeghi, SM. Madani, M. Ataei, (2018) “A New Smooth Synchronization of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator by Applying a Proposed Machine Model”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 371-380
25. R. Sadeghi, SM. Madani, M. Ataei, MRA Kashkooli, S Ademi (2018) “Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Direct Power Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generatorl”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65 (11), 9147-9156.
26. R. Sadeghi, SM. Madani, MRA Kashkooli, M. Ataei (2018) “Reduced-order model of cascaded doubly fed induction generator for aircraft starter/generator”, IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 12, Issue 6, pp. 757-766.
27. M. Sajadi, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian, (2018) “Cascade high-gain observers for a class of nonlinear systems with large delayed measurements”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 49, Issue 12, pp. 2558-2570.
28. M. Sajadi, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian, (2018) “High-Gain Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Simultaneous and Different Delay at State, Input and Output”, Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 17, Issue 12, pp. 463-468.
29. H. Esmaeili, M. Ataei, M. F. Sabahi, (2017) “Designing Sequence with Minimum PSL Using
Chebyshev Distance and its Application for Chaotic MIMO Radar Waveform Design”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Proccessing, Vol. 65, pp. 690-704.
30. H. Esmaeili, M. Ataei, M. F. Sabahi, (2017) “Chebyshev Chaotic Polynomials for MIMO Radar Waveform Generation”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigations, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2016.0270.
31. M Ekramian, M Ataei (2017) “Robust nonlinear observer for systems with generalized sector nonlinearity and time-varying delay” Nonlinear Dynamics 89 (4), 2879-2887.
32. H. Athari, M. Niroomand, M. Ataei, (2017),“Review and Classification of Control Systems in Grid-tied Inverters”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72, 1167-1176.
33. H. Khodadadi, A. Khaki Sedigh, M. Ataei, M. R. Jahed Motlagh, (2017)“ Applying a modified version of Lyapunov exponent for cancer diagnosis in biomedical images: the case of breast mammograms”, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 29 (1), 19-33.
34. H. Khodadadi, A. Khaki Sedigh, M. Ataei, M. R. Jahed Motlagh, A. Hekmatnia, (2017) “ Nonlinear Analysis of the Contour Boundary Irregularity of Skin Lesion using Lyapunov Exponent and K-S Entropy”, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 37 (3), 409-419.
35. M Mahdianpoor, A Kiyoumarsi, M Ataei, RA Hooshmand, (2017) “Robust Implementation of Distribution Static Compensator Along With Bridge Type Fault Current Limiter for Fault Ride Through Enhancement of Fixed Speed Wind Turbines”, IEEE Access 5, 14490-14501.
36. M Mahdianpoor, A Kiyoumarsi, M Ataei, RA Hooshmand, (2017) “Robust Active Power Control of a Battery-Supported DSTATCOM to Enhance Wind Generation Power Flow”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 12 (4), 1357-1368.
37. M. Ekramian, M. Ataei, S. Talebi (2017) “Stability of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems Satisfying Quadratic Constraint”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, DOI:10.1177/0142331216668003.
38. M. Mahdianpoor, A. Kiyoumarsi, M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, H. Karimi, (2017), “A Multifunctional DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Vol. 25, pp. 172-183.
39. S. Talebi, M. Ataei, P. Pepe, and M. Ekramian, (2017) “An observer for a class of nonlinear systems with arbitrarily large delays at states and outputs”, submitted.
40. M. Jamalzadeh, H. Koofigar, M. Ataei, (2016) “Adaptive fuzzy control for a class of constrained nonlinear systems with application to surface vessel”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 987-1000.
41. S. Talebi, M. Ataei, and M. Ekramian (2016) “Guaranteed Interval of Delay for a Class of Nonlinear Control Systems”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 364-369.
42. M. Faramin, M. Ataei (2016) “Chaotic attitude analysis of a satellite via Lyapunov exponents and its robust nonlinear control subject to disturbances and uncertainties”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol 83, No. 1, pp. 361-374.
43. R. Hemati, H. R. Koofigar, M. Ataei (2016) “Optimal Adaptive Controller Design Based on STATCOM and UPFC”, Journal of Electrical & Engineering Technology, Vol. 11, 1057-1062.
44. E. Sadeghi-Nasab, H. R. Koofigar, M. Ataei (2016) “Design of Robust Command to Line-Of-Sight Guideance Law: A Fuzzy Adaptive Approach”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 11, 1528-1542.
45. S. Nazari, M. Ataei, A. Tamzi (2016) “Improving Diagnosis of Some Brain Disease by Analysing Chaotic Indices of EEG Signals”, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 22, 349-369.
46. N. Zamani, M. Ataei, and M. Niroomand (2015) “Analysis and Control of Chaotic Behavior in Boost Converter by Ramp Compensation Based on Lyapunov Exponents Assignment: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol 81, pp. 20-29.
47. E. Shahin, M. F. Sabahi, M. Ataei (2015) “Joint blind equalization and detection in chaotic communication systems using simulation-based methods” AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 69, No. 10, pp. 1445-1452.
48. M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, and S. Golmohammadi Samani, (2014) “A coordinated MIMO control design for a power plant using improved sliding mode controller”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 415-422.
49. M. H. Vafaie, M. Ataei, H. Koofigar (2014) “Heart Diseases Prediction Based on ECG Signals’ Classification using a Genetic-Fuzzy System and Dynamical Model of ECG Signals” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 14, pp. 291-296.
50. E. Hezareh, M. Ataei, M. Jafarboland (2014) “Application of Vector Control to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Chaos Control” Engineering Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 101-118.
51. A. Dastaviz, M. Ataei, and M. Niroomand (2013) “Robust Decentralized Controller Design for Power Electronic Converters”, Journal of Control, Vol. 4, pp. 41-52. (In Persian)
52. M. Ataei, H. Ghotb, G. Shahgholian, and A. Kiyoumarsi, (2013) “Modelling of Electic Arc Furnace Based on Chaos Theory in Order to Control Power Quality Parameters”, Control, No. 2, pp. 33-42. (In Persian)
53. R. Hooshmand, A. A. Nasiri and M. Ataei (2012) “Trajectory Angle Control of Fish-like Robot Motion by Using Fuzzy-PID Controller”, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 163-176.
54. R. Hooshmand, M. Ataei and A. Zargari (2012) “A New Fuzzy – Sliding Mode Controller for Load Frequency Control of Large Hydro Power Plant Using PSO Algorithm and Kalman Estimator”, European Transaction on Electric Power, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 812-830.
55. A. Zargari, R. Hooshmand and M. Ataei (2012) “A New Control System Design for a Small-Hydro Power Plant Based on PSO–Fuzzy–Sliding Mode Controller with Kalman Estimator”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 388-400.
56. R. Hooshmand, M. Ataei, M. H. Rezaei (2012) “Improving the Dynamic Performance of Distribution Electronic Power Transformers Using Sliding Mode Control”, Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 145-156.
57. M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand and M. Parastegari (2012), “A wide range robust PSS design based on power system pole-placement using linear matrix inequality”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 233–241.
58. M. Ataei and A. Enshaee (2012) “Eigenvalue assignment by minimal state feedback gain in LTI multivariable systems”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 1956-1964.
59. M. EtehadTavakol, E. Y. K. Ng, C. Lucas, S. Sadri and M. Ataei (2012) “Nonlinear analysis using Lyapunov exponents in breast thermograms to identify abnormal lesions”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 55, Issue 4, pp. 345–352.
60. P. Ghaebi-panah, M. Ataei, B. Mirzaeian, A. Kiyoumarsi, A. Shafiei (2012) “A Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for PMLSM with Variable Velocity Profile Over Wide Range”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, pp. 997–1006.
61. M. Ataei, and F. Haghighatdar (2011) “Adaptive Nonlinear Feedback Design for Chaos Suppression and Regulation in Uncertain Unified Chaotic System”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 5(A), pp. 2051-2062.
62. Mahdianpour, M., R. Hooshmand, and M. Ataei (2011) “A New Approach to Multi-functional Dynamic Voltage Restorer Implementation for Emergency Control in Distribution Systems”, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 882-890.
63. Dehestani, A., A. Kiyoumarsi, M. Ataei, and R. Hooshmand (2011) “Reactive power compensation in a steel industrial plant with several operating electric arc furnaces utilizing open-loop controlled TCR/FC compensators”, European Transaction on Electric Power, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 824-838.
64. Ataei, M., A. Iromloozadeh, and B. Karimi (2010) “Robust Synchronization of a Class of Uncertain Chaotic Systems Based on Quadratic Optimal Theory and Adaptive Strategy”, Chaos, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol. 20, 043137-1-7.
65. Ataei, M., A. Kiyoumarsi, and B. Ghorbani (2010) “Control of chaos in permanent magnet synchronous motor by using optimal Lyapunov exponents placement”, Physics Letters A, Vol. 374, Issue 41, pp. 4226-4230.
66. Kiyoumarsi, A., A. Nazari, M. Ataei, H. Khadem Hosseini-Beheshti and R. Hooshmand (2010) “Electromagnetic analysis of an AC electric arc furnace including the modeling of an AC arc”,COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 667-685.
67. Kiyoumarsi, A., M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, and A. Dehestani-Kolagar (2010) “Electric Arc Furnace Voltage Flicker Mitigation by Applying a Predictive Method with Closed Loop Control of the TCR/FC Compensator”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 116-128.
68. Fallahpour, M., M. Ataei, and A. Kiyoumarsi (2009) “A Chattering-Free Sliding Mode Control Design for Uncertain Chaotic Systems”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 42, No.3, pp.1755-1765.
69. R. Hooshmand, M. Ataei, M. Moazzami (2009) "Effect of the Bus-Section and Generator-Breaker on Reliability Indices of Busbar Schemes in Power Plant", International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 215-222.
70. Haghighatdar, F., M. Ataei (2009) “Adaptive Set-Point Tracking of the Lorenz Chaotic System Using Non-Linear Feedback”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 40, No.4, pp.1938-1945.
71. Haghighatdar, F., M. Ataei (2008) “Adaptive control of Unified Lorenz-Lu-Chen system”, Journal of Control, Iranian Society of Instrument& Control Engineers, vol.2, no.1, pp. 56-64. (In Persian)
72. M. Ataei, P. Moallem, and R. Mahsouri (2008) “A Comprehensive Model of a Tracker System Based on Motion Equations of a Two Degree-Of-Freedom Gimbal System”, International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 101-108.
73. M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, and M. Parastegari (2008) “Self Tuning Power System Stabilizer Design Based on Pole-Assignment and Pole-Shifting Techniques”, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 8, pp. 1406-1415.
74. Hooshmand, R., M. Ataei (2007) “Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm Based Design and Analysis of an Auto-Tuning Fuzzy-logic PSS”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 178-187.
75. Hooshmand, R., M. Ataei (2007) “Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm Applied to Optimal Placement of Capacitor banks for Unbalanced Distribution Systems with Meshed/radial Configurations”, Engineering Intelligent Systems, Vol.15, No.1, pp.39-50.
76. M. Ataei, B. Lohmann, A. Khaki-Sedigh, and C. Lucas (2004) “Model based method for estimating an attractor dimension from uni/multivariate chaotic time series with application to Bremen climatic dynamics”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 19, Issue 5, pp. 1131-1139.
77. Khaki-Sedigh, A., M. Ataei, B. Lohmann, and C. Lucas (2004) “Adaptive calculation of Lyapunov exponents from time series observations of chaotic time varying dynamical systems”, International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory, vol.4, no.2, pp. 145-159.
78. M. Ataei, B. Lohmann, A. Khaki-Sedigh, and C. Lucas (2003) “Model based method for determining the minimum embedding dimension from chaotic time series- Univariate and multivariate case”, J. of Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, vol.6, n0.4, pp. 842- 851.
1. AM Najafabadi, M Ataei, M Motaharifar (2022) “Disturbance Observer Based Synchronization Control for Passive Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with Time Delays”, 2022 10th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2022)
2. Y. Keshavarz Shirkadehi, M Ekramian, M Ataei (2018) “Sliding Mode Observer for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems based on Generalized Lipschitz Condition”, 6th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (IcRoM), pp. 100-105, IEEE.
3. M. Sajadi, M. Ataei, M. Ekramian (2017) “High-gain sliding mode observers for a class of nonlinear uncertain delay systems”, 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2017), pp. 615-620, 978-1-5090-5963-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
4. F. Kheirandish, M. Ekramian, M. Ataei (2017) “Stability Analysis of Network Control Systems with Time Varying Delays”, 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2017), pp. 633-638, 978-1-5090-5963-8/17/$31.00 ©20 17 IEEE.
5. AbooShahab, M. A., M. Ekramian, M. Ataei (2016) “Time-Delay Estimation of Nonlinear Systems with Delay in States and Outputs”, 4th RSI International Conference on Robotics & Mechatronics, Tehran, Iran.
6. Savoji, M., M. Niroomand, M. Ataei (2016) “An Improved Fuzzy Based Method for MPPT in Photovoltaic Systems under Partially Shaded Conditions”, 5th Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, ETEC, Tehran, Iran.
7. Zamani, N., M. Niroomand, M. Ataei (2014) “Bifurcation and Chaos Control in Power-Factor-Correction Boost Converter”, 22nd ICEE, Tehran, Iran.
8. Dastaviz, A., M. Ataei, M. Niroomand, (2014) “Design of a robust decentralized controller for multi input converters in hybrid energy systems” Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, ETEC 2014, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
9. Zamani, N., M. Ataei, M. Niroomand, (2014) “Chaos control in current mode controlled switching dc-dc converter with Ramp Compensation” The international Power Electronics Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), Tehran, Iran.
10. Naghsh, Sh., M. Ataei, M.R. Yazdchi, M. Hashemi (2014), “Correlation Dimension analysis of heart rate variability time series in obstructive sleep apnea subjects”, Conference on New Ideas in Engineering Science, Tehran, Iran.
11. Faramin, M., M. Ataei (2014) “Chaotic attitude control of a three-axis satellite using back stepping sliding mode method” The 3rd International Reliability Engineering Conference, IREC 2014, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
12. Shahin, E., M. F. Sabahi, M. Ataei (2013) “Joint Blind Equalization and Detection in Chaotic Communication Systems Using Importance Sampling” 21nd ICEE, Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian)
13. Rafieipour, E., B. Mirzaeian, and M. Ataei (2013) “Sensoreless control of IPMSM with nonlinear observer using fuzzy and adaptive sliding mode methods”, Proceedings of the 28nd Electrical International conference, Tehran, Iran, pp. (In Persian)
14. Zamani, N., M. Ataei, M. Niroomand, (2013) “Chaos control in power switching converter using ramp compensation” Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, ETEC 2013, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
15. Bakhtiari, M., B. Mirzaeian, M. Ataei, (2012) “Fuzzy Logic Control of PMSM in the Wide Range of Velocity” 12th Iranian Fuzzy Systems Conference, Iran. (In Persian)
16. V. Rasoli, A. Kiyoumarsi, and M. Ataei (2011), “Wind speed variation modeling for wind energy system converters”, Second Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation- Tehran University. (In Persian)
17. Roostaei, S., R. Hooshamnd, and M. Ataei (2011) “Substation Optimization Using IEC61850 with Hard Fiber in Substation Automation System”, 7th International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems of Power Engineering ICTPE2011, Number 42, pp. 196-199, Cypros.
18. Roostaei, S., R. Hooshamnd, and M. Ataei (2011) “Transformer Tap Changer Using IEC 61850”, 7th International Conference on Technical and Physical Problems of Power Engineering ICTPE2011, Number 42, pp. 205-210, Cypros.
19. Ghaebi-panah, P., M. Ataei, A. Shafiei, (2011) “An Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of a Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor for an inimical Command Velocity Profile”, IEEE International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), pp. 41-46.
20. Roostaei, S., R. Hooshamnd, and M. Ataei (2011) “Substation automation system using IEC 61850”, 5th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference PEOCO, pp. 393-397.
21. Enshaei, A., M. Ataei, (2011) “An improved method for eigenvalue assignment of LTI multivariable systems by state feedback” 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-6.
22. Ghanaei, R., A. Kiyoumarsi, A. Darabi, and M. Ataei, (2011) “Optimal Design of PMLSM Based on Efficiency Enhancement” 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering. (In Persian)
23. Mostafavi, H., B. Mirzaeian, M. Ataei, M. Sadeghi (2011) “Improvement of torque ripple and efficiency of IPMSM Based on Reference Flux Control in DTC” 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering. (In Persian)
24. Mohkami, H., Ezatabadipour, M., M. Ataei, A. Kiyoumarsi (2010) “Parameter Estimation of Chaotic Systems using HPSO Algorithm” 18th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering. (In Persian)
25. Dehestani, A., A. Kiyoumarsi, M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, and B. Mirzaeian-Dehkordi (2009) “Closed Loop Predictive Control of the TCR/FC Compensator for an Electric Arc Furnace”, International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion 2009, UAI.
26. Dehestani, A., A. Kiyoumarsi, M. Ataei, R. Hooshmand, B. Mirzaeian-Dehkordi, and S. Mohamadian (2009) “Harmonic Filter Reconfiguration in an Arc Furnace Plant Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Filters Current”, International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion 2009, UAI.
27. Mahdianpour, M., R. Hooshmand, and M. Ataei (2009) “Control of emergency conditions in distribution systems using the proposed control method in DVR devices”, Proceedings of the 24nd Electrical International conference, Tehran, Iran, pp. 1-8. (In Persian)
28. Ataei, M. P. Moallem, and R. Mahsouri (2009) “Stabilization of the Tracker system using Auto-tuning Fuzzy-Sliding controller”, The 17th Iranian Electrical Engineering conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 19-24 (Control Proceeding, Volume 7). (In Persian)
29. Pari-Zangeneh, M. M. Ataei, and P. Moallem (2009) “Prediction of chaotic time series using NARX Neural Network”, The 17th Iranian Electrical Engineering conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 172-177 (Control Proceeding, Volume 7). (In Persian)
30. Hekmat-Panah, A., and M. Ataei (2009) “Investigating the chaotic behavior in a DCM Buck Converter”, The 17th Iranian Electrical Engineering conference, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, pp. 213-218 (Power Electronics Proceeding, Volume 3). (In Persian)
31. Ataei, M., S. E. Shafiei (2008) “ Sliding Mode PID Controller Design for Robot Manipulators by Using Fuzzy Tuning Approach”, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, July 16-18 2008, Kunming, Yunnan, China, pp. 170-174.
32. Ataei, M., S. E. Shafiei (2008) “ Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Design for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking in Terms of Quaternion”, Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference, July 16-18 2008, Kunming, Yunnan, China, pp. 753-757.
33. Ataei, M., A. Kiyoumarsi, M. Torabian Isfahani and B. Mirzaeian-Dehkordi (2007) “ The Control of a Double-Pendulum System”, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007, Oct. 17-20, Korea, pp. 912-916.
34. Parsapoor, A., M. Ataei, A. Kiyoumarsi, (2007) “Adaptive Control of the Electric Arc Furnace Electrodes Using Lyapunov Design”, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007, Oct. 17-20, Korea, pp. 1617-1622.
35. Kiyoumarsi, A., Z. Hatampour, M. Ataei and M. Moallem (2007) “Comparing the Time Stepping Finite Element Method Results and Measured Data of a Three Phase Electric Arc Furnace”, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007, Oct. 17-20, Korea, pp. 907-911.
36. Bayati Poodeh, M., S. Eshtehardiha, A. Kiyoumarsi, and M. Ataei (2007) “Optimizing LQR and Pole Placement to Control Buck Converter by Genetic Algorithm”, International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2007, Oct. 17-20, Korea, pp. 2195-2200.
37. Kiyoumarsi, A., M. Ataei, B. Mirzaeian D., and R. Ashrafi (2007) “The Mathematical Modeling of a Double-Pendulum System as a Physical Model of Flexible Arm Robot”, IEEE-ICCA 2007, China, May 29-June 1, at the conference web site as an accepted final paper No. Thcp.28, p1389.
38. Ataei, M., (2006) “Improving the local modeling of the chaotic time series”, Proceedings 5th International Symposium on mathematical Modeling (I. Troch and F. Breitenecker, eds.), Vienna, Austria, pp. 14.1-14.8.
39. Fadaei, K., M. Ataei, and S. Talebi (2006) “Modelling of a two-axis gimbal test-bed for line-of-sight stabilization”, Proceedings 5th International Symposium on mathematical Modeling (I. Troch and F. Breitenecker, eds.), Vienna, Austria, pp. 8.1-8.10.
40. Mirzaeian, B., P. Moallem, M. Ataei (2006) “The objective function optimization by using Genetic-Powel Hybrid method and its application in optimal coefficients tuning of DC servomotor velocity controller”, The 14th Iranian Electrical Engineering conference, The Zanjan University, Iran, pp. 295-300. (In Persian)
41. Ataei, M. (2006) “The role of state space reconstruction in chaotic systems analysis and its parameters determination”, Proceedings of the second conference on Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamic System, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
42. Moallem, P., M. Ashourian, B. Mirzaeian, and M. Ataei (2006) “Accurately Tuned Search Space in a Feature Based Stereo Matching”, 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATA BASES, Madrid, Spain.
43. Ataei, M., A. Khaki-Sedigh, B. Lohmann, and C. Lucas (2003) “Determination of embedding dimension using multiple time series based on singular value decomposition”, Proceedings 4th International Symposium on mathematical Modeling (I. Troch and F. Breitenecker, eds.), Vienna, Austria, pp. 190-196.
44. Ataei, M., A. Khaki-Sedigh, B. Lohmann, and C. Lucas (2003) “Determining embedding dimension from output time series of dynamical systems- Scalar and multiple output cases”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems, Moscow, Russia, pp. 1004-1013.
45. Ataei, M., A. Khaki-Sedigh, and B. Lohmann (2003) “Estimating the Lyapunov exponents of chaotic time series based on polynomial modelling”, 13th IFAC symposium on System Identification, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 174-179.
46. Ataei, M., A. Khaki-Sedigh, B. Lohmann, and C. Lucas (2003) “Estimating the Lyapunov exponents of chaotic time series: A model based method”, European Control Conference.
47. Ataei, M (2003) “Model based adaptive calculation of Lyapunov exponents from chaotic time series”, 24th Colloquium of Automation (Methods and Applications in Automation), Germany, pp. 36-42.
48. Abrishamchian, M., M. J. Khosrowjerdi, M. Ataei (1999) “Uncertainty Description and µ-Synthesis Design”, Proceeding of the 7th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran Telecommunication Research Center, pp. 1-9 (English part).